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I was suicidal because of Blabette_



I am a victim of Blabette_ of the site X.


I was on X, but I have deactivated my account due to severe harassment and stalking. It happened last year. It was so bad that I became suicidal. I was in a mental health facility for 2 months. I took a much needed break from being online. I didn't get online again until 2 days ago.


This began with 6 words in an X post I made: "I will never support Jonathan Majors". I blocked Blabette_ when she responded because she was aggressive in her response to try to convince me to support Jonathan Majors. She didn't take it well. I ignored her so, Blabette_ and her clique (most of which were Johnny Depp supporters) targeted my friends on such a level that they decided to distance themselves from me. I ended up with no friends and feeling so alone. I was frequently spammed with DMs from X accounts made for the sole purpose of harassment. I've been told to kill myself. I was threatened with doxxing if I didn't stop supporting Grace Jabbari and Amber Heard. One X account that contacted me shared my address with me and my phone number. The police in my area wouldn't help me. Their solution was to tell me, "Just turn the computer off". I was shamed and blamed for the DMs I got because I kept my DMs open. That which I only did for the few supportive people I spoke with.


One day it got to be too much to handle. So I attempted to take my own life. Luckily my sister found me. This is still a very sensitive subject for me. So this will be all I'm going to say right now.

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I sympathize with you. A friend of mine went through a similar experience 5 years ago. I am not sure what your friend situation is now, but if you want to talk, you can PM me.

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I understand what you're going through. I once had a bully/stalker as vicious as yours. It was a few years ago though. I'm here for you as well.

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Blabette_ has been targeting me for awhile. There's blogs by 2 friends of mine detailing it.


She went after an autistic friend of mine just because she knew me. She got very vicious with her torment when she wouldn't abandon me as a friend.


Blabette_ has even been as crazy as trying to label. Her and a black friend of ours as the same person. That didn't last because he is white and she is black. 


It gets worse. Read the blogs.

She is a vicious, horrible, and spiteful person.

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4 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

People like Blabette_ should be put in JAIL!!!

That thing is remorseless, spiteful, spineless.

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Things like this is why I don't trust the police. Turning off a computer doesn't help. It just makes it worse when you go back online and you're shocked with the nasty stuff that happened while you're a way. That is also victim shaming. 

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Sociopath. That's what Blabette_ is. Sociopaths can be charming and pretend to care when they don't 

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Blabette is weak. She has nothing and little semblance of what would be a good life. She is sh*tty to others to feel better about her own life.

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