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Blabette and Her Pro-Jonathan Majors Whack Jobs are At It AGAIN



 You know, the year's already chaotic enough as it is. Too much is going on in the country, let alone the world. Far too many beloved celebrities have left this world, and we are all still feeling the wounds. Yet a lot of us are finding some positives out there. For me, it's waiting oh so patiently for the start of the NFL season, as well as joining some Fantasy Football leagues and hoping to win one again. Even as things are running wild, I--like many other people--am finding some enjoyment in something good and positive.

And then Blabette's no-good and ugly head just had to pop up again. Oh dear, oh dear...

For those who remember, Blabette is a nut job who has been defending Jonathan Majors WAAAAAAY better than Connor Hellebuyck defended the net against the Colorado Avalanche in the playoffs. She lives in this Bizarro World where Jonathan Majors is an innocent man instead of what he really is:  a disgusting abuser. Even worse, Blabette will pick on and target anyone and everyone who lets the truth get in the way of her insane narrative. And worse than that, she has a posse of pro-Majors sycophants who help her do her dirty work. This past blog calls out all of Blabette's bullsh*t from December of 2023, and I remember it very well. Part of her bullsh*t had Blabette delusionally claiming that myself and Miley were the same person. Yeah, so according to Blabette, I'm a White woman and Miley's a Black man. Riiiight... If she believed that, I have a bridge in Orange, California that I could sell her cheap. And Blabette also dug up some slanderous blogs and passed them off as truth, and she did it because Miley doesn't support Majors, and she's friends with someone Blabette chooses to hate. Blabette has also teamed up with pro-Depp people to attack those who don't support Majors, yet she claims to be pro-Amber Heard. Yeah, Blabette's full of sh*t. Here's the blog:

So what are Blabette and her dumb f**k posse up to now? The same thing they do every night, Pinky:  try to bully people into believing that Jonathan Majors isn't an abuser, when he actually is! Blabette's bullsh*t was also called out by Casey:


And here's an archive of the exact screenshot:  https://archive.is/DYLmm

Blabette has targeted Miley before, and she's targeted myself as well--she's even gone as far as saying that Miley and I are the same person. Even crazier, Blabette's b***hES have been doing her dirty work as well. First off, an archive link of one such dumbass targeting Miley (on behalf of Blabette):  https://archive.is/mmcLh

And here's another b***h of Blabette's spouting the pro-Majors propaganda:  https://archive.is/jP29A

Blabette's slander against Casey--very hideous stuff:  https://archive.is/X6pbK

But look at this! Blabette seems to be backtracking on Majors. Seems to be easing off on her stance. What the f**k is she trying to pull here? Plausible deniability? Or does she have a split personality? You be the judge:  https://archive.is/DSozG

Thanks to Casey, who collected the evidence--that which she found by looking at "AmberMera007," who happens to be someone I was tweeting with about Majors. The link:  https://archive.is/uIdGm

And the evidence came from these tweets from "AmberMera007":




And here are the hidden replies that further prove the connection:  https://archive.is/hs2Hp

Regarding the hidden replies, here's where they came from:  https://x.com/AmberMera007/status/1815241826695307648

As I was putting the finishing touches on this blog, something clicked on my mind. The same people who were bothering myself and Miley were also starting to bother "AmberMera007." All that proves that Blabette is a habitual offender and an attention wh**e. Also, another thing:  from what I've seen, "AmberMera007" hasn't said one nasty thing to Blabette, but yet Blabette has had her posse target her a bit lately. That should tell you all you need to know about the type of human being Blabette is, and in Blabette's case, I use the phrase "human being" very, very loosely. If I was "AmberMera007," I'd do the smart thing and block that picky b***h. But I'm not one to say who should follow or block who.

Seriously, Blabette needs to stop being a thing. She needs to get a life and stop obsessively defending abusers. She also needs to stop f**king with people who tell it like it is and state facts. Blabette is delusional, crazy, and flat out stupid for defending Jonathan Majors. And she's a horrible human being for trying to bully people in to defending that abuser. Blabette needs to GET A LIFE!

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What Blabette_ needs is a job or hobby to take up more of her time so she doesn't have as much time to harass people.

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On 7/23/2024 at 4:12 PM, Elektra said:

I remember when Blabette_ callously went after me. She didn't like I was friends with someone she didn't like. She also hated that I wouldn't support Jonathan Majors. I think alot fo what she did against me was her hoping I'd distance from Casey or blame her for what Blabette_, and her new very pro Depp friends, were doing to me. They only backed off of me for awhile when they got humiliated regarding their fake claim of me and @CEDAvsFan being the same person.

She sounds like that awful Next Door moderator, Autumn Leigh Martin.

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I think Blabette_ needs to take some time away from the internet and seek therapy before she ends up creating her own personal world war.

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On 7/23/2024 at 10:24 PM, Angie said:

You know, I do wonder that. Especially since she teamed up with "Depp Chelsea" and other Depp supporters early this year to attack Amber Heard supporters that didn't support Jonathan Majors.

Blabette_ is going to blow her cover and reveal herself as a Depp supporter if she isn't careful.

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20 hours ago, Kilo said:

Blabette_ is going to blow her cover and reveal herself as a Depp supporter if she isn't careful.

She is a Depp supporter.

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On 7/23/2024 at 11:02 AM, Angie said:

Blabette_ is just an angry troll that can't handle when things don't go her way. She doesn't Iike it when she tries to get others on her side and they don't budge.


Blabette_ tends to label anyone crazy or insane if they talk about who and what she really is.


The way she feels the need to hurt people, she ought to consider seeking help from a mental health professional.


Blabette_ has atleast 3 accounts that I know of. She's harassed people from all of them, but it wouldn't surprise me if she cleaned up a little to hide some things.

"Blabette_" on Twitter (aka X)

"Blabette__" on Twitter (aka X)

"Toward_Forward" on Twitter (aka X)

"Audio_Visualz_" on Twitter (aka X)

I'll be sure to block those when I next go on Twitter.

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