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SUSPENDED from NextDoor for Speaking Up About Abuse From Their Mods And Staff



It now seems that I have been SUSPENDED from NextDoor. Video below details why.


My Comments: Yep! I've been suspended from NextDoor. Apparently standing up for myself in a civil manner (PRIVATELY) and speaking up (PUBLICLY) about ABUSE by NextDoor staff and mods... is some high crime! NextDoor doesn't like it at all when people stand up to their mods and staff and/or speak up about it publicly.



Proof of the NextDoor suspension that was shown in the above video.


My Comments: Yep! Yep! it's "disrespectful" and "unneighborly" to dare stand up for myself in a civil/polite manner AND... to speak up online about ABUSE from NextDoor staff and moderators.



Why am I not surprised? 

NextDoor does next to nothing about mods that: behave poorly, pick fights, engage in racial profiling, advocate FOR animal cruelty, harass people, stalk people...

But yet they suspend those who stand up for themselves (politely & civilly) AND speak up about it.

If NextDoor thinks they will silence/censor me, they are sorely mistaken.

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I absolutely despise NextDoor! They preach about their rules, but they sure as hell don't follow them! All they do is kiss up to and pander to their toxic-a** mods, and they do absolutely nothing when their mods spew their hatred. Autumn Leigh Martin should be in a f**king prison and not serve as a moderator for anything! It sickens me how they operate!

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What does Next Door hope to accomplish by enabling their stuck up abusive staff?

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Oh wow! How dare you infringe on NextDoor's ability to be abusive. :wtf1:


I hate to know how many others they've done this to.

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I'm not surprised. Especially since NextDoor mods don't like anyone that thinks for themselves. 

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Let me get this straight. Next Door will suspend you for being civil when standing up for yourself to a mod, but they do nothing about mofs engaging in abusive behavior. Do I have it right so far?

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NextDoor isn't really businesslike at all. They continually feed on the pain and suffering of the innocent to keep themselves in power.

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Next Door should not have suspended you! You have a right to ask to not be harassed. :angry11:

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On 4/9/2024 at 4:32 AM, Maira said:

What does Next Door hope to accomplish by enabling their stuck up abusive staff?

They want to train people to fall in line.

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13 hours ago, Tamara said:

Next Door should not have suspended you! You have a right to ask to not be harassed. :angry11:

In the mind of a ND mod, that's a crime.

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On 4/9/2024 at 4:15 PM, Stay Puft said:

Let me get this straight. Next Door will suspend you for being civil when standing up for yourself to a mod, but they do nothing about mofs engaging in abusive behavior. Do I have it right so far?

Next Door is corrupt.

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20 hours ago, ND Refugee said:

NextDoor sees you as a threat. You expose them. They don't like that. 

Anyone speaking up is a threat to them. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 1:12 PM, Simian Pathetica said:

They want to train people to fall in line.

They won't get far for long with that attitude. 

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