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Exposing "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and Her Wave of Hyprocrisy




As Major League Baseball's 2024 season begins, a new plague hits Tiktok, though it's one I kinda had a feeling about. So in the drama involving "billynomates.1988" and "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad", there was an apparent ally in the form of "spiritualsquirrelvox". Emphasis on apparent. Something about Squirrel wasn't kosher. Something didn't quite pass the smell test. Was she really on the right side, or was she out for herself? Some certain posts and DMs led me to believe that latter was the more realistic possibility.

Evidence of this comes in the form of these screenshots from Monday, March 25, in this link in how she treated my friend Miley.

Our friend @Angie sent these to me:  https://imgur.com/a/GEFowjj

Out of that group of shots in that link, the one that stands out the most, is this one:


Why even mention that? "I have a bigger account with notable mutuals with even bigger accounts than my own"? That to me, sounds like Squirrel had been using her so-called stance against Billy and Bowzer for clout. And this message, which was sent to me on Sunday, March 24, actually proves my point:

No description available.

I've watched enough Lifetime movies to recognize this. I was at my most vulnerable at that point, yet she says that I "managed to stumble into our friend circle." You know what that says? Basically, Squirrel's telling me, "You were nothing when you came to me, and I saved you." Again, watch every Lifetime thriller made in the last 20 years. You'll hear that same rhetoric from every villain in those films.

The other screenshots in that IMGUR link also tell the story right there. There was really nothing genuine about her defense against those two bullies. All of this shows that Squirrel had been using us, or trying to use us, from the very beginning. All of that portrayed kindness, the act like she's on our side--it was all for show to get us to believe that she was really our ally, when she was actually out for her own interests.

It continued to be proven with Squirrel making false accusations of micro aggression against another friend of mine; "AmberMera007". She claimed that "AmberMera007" was being micro aggressive, when in actuality, "AmberMera007" was simply explaining something to Squirrel that was based on Amber's own personal experience, as well as my own.


Yet Squirrel resorted to micro aggression in one of her Tiktoks, shown below:

Squirrel's Act of Microaggression against Miley (Which has since been deleted because "spiritualsquirrelvox" is covering her a**.)

I confronted Squirrel with this, and these were her responses:

No description available.

No description available.


Notice the "Account not found" up top. I stepped away a bit while I was talking to Squirrel, and I asked Miley to check Squirrel's account, because I saw that "Account not found" up here. Miley found the same thing. Apparently, Squirrel couldn't handle the truth, so she blocked me. Holy moley. And see that? I'm "ungrateful"? Again, textbook Lifetime villain 101. I confronted Squirrel, I reminded her of her misdeeds, and she lashes out at me. Also, "I defended you against 2 racists and I defended Miley as well because they're sexist." What about when Miley was falsely accused of being a transphobe and they were heavily implying it? Where was that, Squirrel?

And this isn't the first time we've dealt with someone playing both sides. I wrote a blog that included something about another backstabber close to the end. The name is censored out but it is "flossyface" of Tiktok:

And here's more evidence of "flossyface's" double dealing on Tiktok:

Double Dealing (Poor attempt at playing on the side of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad")

So Miley and I just encountered an issue. Suddenly, oddly enough, both of our Facebook accounts were locked due to "unusual activity". We both checked; no unusual activity on either side. Funny how this happens not too long after I called out Squirrel's bullsh*t regarding two of my friends. Kinda makes ya think.

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1 hour ago, Angie said:

Her gaggle of friends are shady too. This explains it.



To emphasize, I now wonder if anything she said was true. If so then, how much. 

I don't trust any of them, not one! They will all switch sides when it suits them. 

Re: Bowser, he did do some pretty awful things. He was conspiring with others to frighten a DV survivor by sending lingerie to her home- just for fun! I saw the messages

personally  have never seen or heard him being racist,  but that doesn't mean he hasn't. 

I don't know Flossy- she's a friend of Squirrel right? I take it that dm is from her to you asking for information? Maybe she's looking for evidence because Squirrel has never substantiated her accusations toward Bowser. 

Honestly,  i don't trust any of them, it could be a trap 🤷 


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16 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

I don't trust any of them, not one! They will all switch sides when it suits them. 

Re: Bowser, he did do some pretty awful things. He was conspiring with others to frighten a DV survivor by sending lingerie to her home- just for fun! I saw the messages

personally  have never seen or heard him being racist,  but that doesn't mean he hasn't. 

I don't know Flossy- she's a friend of Squirrel right? I take it that dm is from her to you asking for information? Maybe she's looking for evidence because Squirrel has never substantiated her accusations toward Bowser. 

Honestly,  i don't trust any of them, it could be a trap 🤷 


My personal theory is Bowzer is crooked, but likely SpiritualSquirrelVox and her gaggle of friends started whatever beef is between them. I've encouraged @GMileyCollier78 to blog about her experience regarding SpiritualSquirrelVox.

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17 minutes ago, Angie said:

My personal theory is Bowzer is crooked, but likely SpiritualSquirrelVox and her gaggle of friends started whatever beef is between them. I've encouraged @GMileyCollier78 to blog about her experience regarding SpiritualSquirrelVox.

It wouldn't surprise me. Squirrel has created an echo chamber on tiktok and anyone who challenges her is out, its almost cult-like. She could quite easily lead the weak minded into doing her bidding. 

I also believe Squirrel feels threatened by other strong personalities and tries to discredit them to bring them down. The moment she got some dirt on Bowser she saw her opportunity and was ready to pile in and get her friends to do the same, then suddenly he's every kind of bigot and she's morally superior, the saviour of all the marginalised. 

I don't trust Bowser either though,  they're both two halves of the same bad apple imo


Edited by Giddy Aunt
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12 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

It wouldn't surprise me. Squirrel has created an echo chamber on tiktok and anyone who challenges her is out, its almost cult-like. She could quite easily lead the weak minded into doing her bidding. 

I also believe Squirrel feels threatened by other strong personalities and tries to discredit them to bring them down. The moment she got some dirt on Bowser she saw her opportunity and was ready to pile in and get her friends to do the same, then suddenly he's every kind of bigot and she's morally superior, the saviour of all the marginalised. 

I don't trust Bowser either though,  they're both two halves of the same bad apple imo


Exactly. Also,, right now a Boredatworkfem on Twitter is harassing @GMileyCollier78 and @CEDAvsFan. She is making a huge deal about a recent Tiktok video Miley did while tagging a bournemouthmetal on there. If you watch it, Miley is making a point about Tiktok issues. Very weird ones. Apparently that's bullying a black woman. 


It seems anything SpiritualSquirrelVox, or her gaggle of friends, doesn't like is labeled "bullying a black woman". These people are trying to make this about race when there is nothing said by Miley or @CEDAvsFan that makes it about race. People that do that are disgraceful and being disrespectful to all racism victims.

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Sorry for the copy and paste but I don't know how to put a screen shot on here yet. 

Here's the twitter post.

"Is this why you are making friends with Bournemouthmetal, a person who is friends with Bowzer..where was she when he was bullying you? Instead you bully a black woman..YOU are the same as him. f**king shame on you"


Apart from it being completely incoherent, its a disgraceful allegation. Shame on them,  whoever they are. 

Edit to add, OMFG!! It's SpiritualSquirrelVox account!!!!!!

Edited by Giddy Aunt
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7 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

Sorry for the copy and paste but I don't know how to put a screen shot on here yet. 

Here's the twitter post.

"Is this why you are making friends with Bournemouthmetal, a person who is friends with Bowzer..where was she when he was bullying you? Instead you bully a black woman..YOU are the same as him. f**king shame on you"


Apart from it being completely incoherent, its a disgraceful allegation. Shame on them,  whoever they are. 

Edit to add, OMFG!! It's SpiritualSquirrelVox account!!!!!!

That would have been my guess. Right now SpiritualSquirrelVox is acting like the boy who cried wolf. By her trying to make this about race, when it's not, it will o ly hurt her should she experience real racism. She might get herself to the point that no one wil believe her. Also, ice archived her harassment of Miley and @CEDAvsFan. Oh and I heard back from Miley. She is working on 2 blogs. One related to this. One unrelated. 

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9 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

Sorry for the copy and paste but I don't know how to put a screen shot on here yet. 

Here's the twitter post.

"Is this why you are making friends with Bournemouthmetal, a person who is friends with Bowzer..where was she when he was bullying you? Instead you bully a black woman..YOU are the same as him. f**king shame on you"


Apart from it being completely incoherent, its a disgraceful allegation. Shame on them,  whoever they are. 

Edit to add, OMFG!! It's SpiritualSquirrelVox account!!!!!!

I looked at the media posted by that 'not your fem' account and I immediately recognised SpiritualSquirrelVox's dog and her living room. 

She's a nasty piece in twitter isn't she!? Wow 😮 

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5 minutes ago, Angie said:

That would have been my guess. Right now SpiritualSquirrelVox is acting like the boy who cried wolf. By her trying to make this about race, when it's not, it will o ly hurt her should she experience real racism. She might get herself to the point that no one wil believe her. Also, ice archived her harassment of Miley and @CEDAvsFan. Oh and I heard back from Miley. She is working on 2 blogs. One related to this. One unrelated. 

100% that 'not your fem' account is Jade aka SpiritualSquirrelVox.

I've screenshot the photo of her dog and living room from her media posts,  because she'll probably delete it. I was her friend on TT long enough to recognise her dog, Jake and her living room 😆 

If anyone needs a copy I'm happy to supply

Edited by Giddy Aunt
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On 3/29/2024 at 6:42 PM, Spirit Squad said:

I see a lot wrong with this picture.


1) Spiritualsquirrelvox gives the idea that her reason for defending Miley is that DHBowzer and his bunch are sexist. There's no mention of them trying to make her look like a transphobe. 


2) Spiritualsquirrelvox accused one friend of yours of microaggressions that were non existent. But is guilty of microaggressions against another friend of yours.


3) Why did Spiritualsquirrelvox suddenly delete the videos in which she supposedly defended Miley? One, she kind of did. The other, she degrades her in a few small ways with microaggressions 


4) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox only pay attention to you or Miley when you are useful and don't ask questions?


5) Why has Spiritualsquirrelvox shown no proof of her being a victim of DHBowzer?


6) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox seem more interested in other peoples' experiences with regards to DHBowzer than her own?


7) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox talk down to people until they see eye to eye?


8) Why is it those that seem to disagree with Spiritualsquirrelvox are treated as if they are either ignorant or using harmful language?


9) Do you think Spiritualsquirrelvox used you so she and her friends have more proof of the bully that DHBowzer is so their complaints are more heard?

All very good questions.

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7 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

I looked at the media posted by that 'not your fem' account and I immediately recognised SpiritualSquirrelVox's dog and her living room. 

She's a nasty piece in twitter isn't she!? Wow 😮 

I've spent the last 2 hours looking at everything. Here is what I find suspicious. Spiritual Vox is attacking GMileyCollier78 now because of a video in which she points out that a bournemouthmetal made shows a messed up sketchy TikTok issue. Before that, I see no interaction between the two, but Spiritual Vox is treating it like they are best buddies conspiring against her.


Here is another thing I took notice of. Over that video, her following is all in a tizzy. That makes them look worse.

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8 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

100% that 'not your fem' account is Jade aka SpiritualSquirrelVox.

I've screenshot the photo of her dog and living room from her media posts,  because she'll probably delete it. I was her friend on TT long enough to recognise her dog, Jake and her living room 😆 

If anyone needs a copy I'm happy to supply

Her dog is called Jimi not Jake- stupid autocorrect. 

And, wow, just scroll through her posts on twitter to find a truly horrible,  poisonous troll of a woman. My eyes are well and truly opened,  it looks like everyone's gut instinct on her are 💯 spot on!!

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23 hours ago, Giddy Aunt said:

I made an account after following a tiktok link here,  just to say how relieved I am that people are catching onto her!


She's a self important egotistical, aggressive bully. 

I had a run in with her,  similar to Ambers,  where a completely innocent comment of mine was made into a scathing ego feeding video reply from her and then I was BLOCKED. 

I am a mixed race, middle aged woman, inclusive of all minority communities, but she implied I was racist and my language was a microaggression.

I don't want to reveal my tt handle because she is a bully and I don't need the hassle but I watched her (before me) go after so many people in her comments. 

I think she does it to feed her ego and for clout. She loves the pile in that she causes. 

One recent example- 

The squirrel made a video addressing a tiktok lady who makes cleaning videos (Ann) Ann was referring to HER OWN HAIR as a mop. Squirrel made it into a racist issue, using her word salad she made a scathing implication that Ann was using racist language and told her to do better. Squirrel has NO business policing someone's language about their own body, especially if its unsolicited. 

I was upset for Ann, who saw the video and has ignored it because she likely realised that Squirrel was rage baiting.  Squirrel will be very disappointed that she didn't get a reaction but Ann is a smart woman and knows a twit when she sees one. 

Squirrel is troublesome,  she says she teaches diversity,  well,  God help her students is all I can say 😬😬


This Squirrel isn't teaching diversity. She is teaching how to socially engineer.

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24 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

I looked at the media posted by that 'not your fem' account and I immediately recognised SpiritualSquirrelVox's dog and her living room. 

She's a nasty piece in twitter isn't she!? Wow 😮 

Here's food for thought. SpiritualSquirrelVox is playing her victim role. But she is attacking Miley while being ignored. All because she posted one video showing someone else is having strange issues on TikTok. That makes SpiritualSquirrelVox look terrible right now.

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8 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

Her dog is called Jimi not Jake- stupid autocorrect. 

And, wow, just scroll through her posts on twitter to find a truly horrible,  poisonous troll of a woman. My eyes are well and truly opened,  it looks like everyone's gut instinct on her are 💯 spot on!!

I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.

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4 minutes ago, Norrie Calvert said:

This Squirrel isn't teaching diversity. She is teaching how to socially engineer.

What she is teaching is it is okay to claim racism over disagreements and petty bullsh*t.

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17 minutes ago, ND Refugee said:

I've spent the last 2 hours looking at everything. Here is what I find suspicious. Spiritual Vox is attacking GMileyCollier78 now because of a video in which she points out that a bournemouthmetal made shows a messed up sketchy TikTok issue. Before that, I see no interaction between the two, but Spiritual Vox is treating it like they are best buddies conspiring against her.


Here is another thing I took notice of. Over that video, her following is all in a tizzy. That makes them look worse.

That's what tells me that SpiritualSquirrelVox is no victim. 

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4 minutes ago, Norrie Calvert said:

I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.

Yep, disgraceful!!

"@GMileyCollier78 I will not stop tweeting you. Someone stuck up for you so you then abuse her. She didn't accuse you or abuse you, just blocked you because you are problematic. Then you become friends with Bournemouthmetal who us best mates with bowzer. Shame on you c**t"

Who is the 'someone who stuck up for you' that this twitter account (SpiritualSquirrelVox aka not your fem) is referring to?

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23 minutes ago, Norrie Calvert said:

I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.

Squirrel called me one as well. And Squirrel's false accusations against me perpetuate negative stereotypes against Black (and Latinx) men--mainly this false belief that we're all misogynists. Squirrel, to me, is anti-Black.

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39 minutes ago, Angie said:

That's what tells me that SpiritualSquirrelVox is no victim. 

Squirrel's no victim at all. She's a lying manipulator.

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47 minutes ago, Angie said:

What she is teaching is it is okay to claim racism over disagreements and petty bullsh*t.

She's also teaching that it's okay to stereotype minorities.

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55 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

Yep, disgraceful!!

"@GMileyCollier78 I will not stop tweeting you. Someone stuck up for you so you then abuse her. She didn't accuse you or abuse you, just blocked you because you are problematic. Then you become friends with Bournemouthmetal who us best mates with bowzer. Shame on you c**t"

Who is the 'someone who stuck up for you' that this twitter account (SpiritualSquirrelVox aka not your fem) is referring to?

That "someone who stuck up for you" is SpiritualSquirrelVox. Apparently degrading Miley in videos and implying she's so stupid, she would be worse off without her, is sticking up for her.

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4 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Squirrel called me one as well. And Squirrel's false accusations against me perpetuate negative stereotypes against Black (and Latinx) men--mainly this false belief that we're all misogynists. Squirrel, to me, is anti-Black.

How can a black person be anti black?

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8 hours ago, Angie said:

That "someone who stuck up for you" is SpiritualSquirrelVox. Apparently degrading Miley in videos and implying she's so stupid, she would be worse off without her, is sticking up for her.

Thanks,  that's what I thought.

So,  why is she speaking about herself in the third person? She's unhinged to say the least. 



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On 3/31/2024 at 7:53 AM, Giddy Aunt said:

Squirrel is indeed a massive hypocrite. 

Her profile seems to have been set to private but just yesterday she stitched a graphic tiktok of someone depicting miscarriage. Squirrel was scathing toward the poster for not issuing a trigger warning, for Squirrel was triggered. She reminded people that she has suffered, as have many others, and it was insensitive to post such a thing without a warning..... guess what.... The Squirrel DIDN'T ISSUE A TRIGGER WARNING BEFORE REPOSTING THE GRAPHIC CONTENT!! So, clearly she didn't give a F for anyones feelings,  she just wanted to remind you to feel sorry for HER. 

She's a fraud 


I saw that before she went private. Her hypocrisy is boundless. She is like the police in my town, "Do as I say. Not as I do."

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9 hours ago, Giddy Aunt said:

Thanks,  that's what I thought.

So,  why is she speaking about herself in the third person? She's unhinged to say the least. 



I think it's because she's hoping to hide who she is. But she did a poor job. What she needs is a hobby or more work hours. The way she uses people is disgusting.

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