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Exposing "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and Her Wave of Hyprocrisy




As Major League Baseball's 2024 season begins, a new plague hits Tiktok, though it's one I kinda had a feeling about. So in the drama involving "billynomates.1988" and "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad", there was an apparent ally in the form of "spiritualsquirrelvox". Emphasis on apparent. Something about Squirrel wasn't kosher. Something didn't quite pass the smell test. Was she really on the right side, or was she out for herself? Some certain posts and DMs led me to believe that latter was the more realistic possibility.

Evidence of this comes in the form of these screenshots from Monday, March 25, in this link in how she treated my friend Miley.

Our friend @Angie sent these to me:  https://imgur.com/a/GEFowjj

Out of that group of shots in that link, the one that stands out the most, is this one:


Why even mention that? "I have a bigger account with notable mutuals with even bigger accounts than my own"? That to me, sounds like Squirrel had been using her so-called stance against Billy and Bowzer for clout. And this message, which was sent to me on Sunday, March 24, actually proves my point:

No description available.

I've watched enough Lifetime movies to recognize this. I was at my most vulnerable at that point, yet she says that I "managed to stumble into our friend circle." You know what that says? Basically, Squirrel's telling me, "You were nothing when you came to me, and I saved you." Again, watch every Lifetime thriller made in the last 20 years. You'll hear that same rhetoric from every villain in those films.

The other screenshots in that IMGUR link also tell the story right there. There was really nothing genuine about her defense against those two bullies. All of this shows that Squirrel had been using us, or trying to use us, from the very beginning. All of that portrayed kindness, the act like she's on our side--it was all for show to get us to believe that she was really our ally, when she was actually out for her own interests.

It continued to be proven with Squirrel making false accusations of micro aggression against another friend of mine; "AmberMera007". She claimed that "AmberMera007" was being micro aggressive, when in actuality, "AmberMera007" was simply explaining something to Squirrel that was based on Amber's own personal experience, as well as my own.


Yet Squirrel resorted to micro aggression in one of her Tiktoks, shown below:

Squirrel's Act of Microaggression against Miley (Which has since been deleted because "spiritualsquirrelvox" is covering her a**.)

I confronted Squirrel with this, and these were her responses:

No description available.

No description available.


Notice the "Account not found" up top. I stepped away a bit while I was talking to Squirrel, and I asked Miley to check Squirrel's account, because I saw that "Account not found" up here. Miley found the same thing. Apparently, Squirrel couldn't handle the truth, so she blocked me. Holy moley. And see that? I'm "ungrateful"? Again, textbook Lifetime villain 101. I confronted Squirrel, I reminded her of her misdeeds, and she lashes out at me. Also, "I defended you against 2 racists and I defended Miley as well because they're sexist." What about when Miley was falsely accused of being a transphobe and they were heavily implying it? Where was that, Squirrel?

And this isn't the first time we've dealt with someone playing both sides. I wrote a blog that included something about another backstabber close to the end. The name is censored out but it is "flossyface" of Tiktok:

And here's more evidence of "flossyface's" double dealing on Tiktok:

Double Dealing (Poor attempt at playing on the side of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad")

So Miley and I just encountered an issue. Suddenly, oddly enough, both of our Facebook accounts were locked due to "unusual activity". We both checked; no unusual activity on either side. Funny how this happens not too long after I called out Squirrel's bullsh*t regarding two of my friends. Kinda makes ya think.

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There is so much about SpiritualSquirrelVox that is hypocritical. Trying to educate on harmful behaviors, but engaging in them herself, is one. Using you and Miley for her own reasons is another. 

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On 3/31/2024 at 2:59 PM, Giddy Aunt said:

I don't trust any of them, not one! They will all switch sides when it suits them. 

Re: Bowser, he did do some pretty awful things. He was conspiring with others to frighten a DV survivor by sending lingerie to her home- just for fun! I saw the messages

personally  have never seen or heard him being racist,  but that doesn't mean he hasn't. 

I don't know Flossy- she's a friend of Squirrel right? I take it that dm is from her to you asking for information? Maybe she's looking for evidence because Squirrel has never substantiated her accusations toward Bowser. 

Honestly,  i don't trust any of them, it could be a trap 🤷 


I've seen some of Flossy's comments around TikTok and her videos. She's got an obsession problem with stirring drama.

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1 hour ago, Billie Jean said:

There is so much about SpiritualSquirrelVox that is hypocritical. Trying to educate on harmful behaviors, but engaging in them herself, is one. Using you and Miley for her own reasons is another. 

Something is very wrong with her.

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I just noticed,  @spiritualtatas (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox real name Jade), reposted the twitter link to Clyde's blog as though she were a concerned 3rd party🤣

If she reads this- WE KNOW IT'S YOU!! We know @boredatworkfem is your twitter handle and that this is the outlet for the REAL TOXIC Jade that we all know and hate. 

Grow up you stupid troll! 

Edited by Giddy Aunt
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I noticed something disturbing about Squirrel. She's just like this former friend of mine that uses race to excuse behavior. That kind of bullsh*t makes racism worse for all.

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On 4/1/2024 at 2:46 AM, Giddy Aunt said:

Thanks,  that's what I thought.

So,  why is she speaking about herself in the third person? She's unhinged to say the least. 



It's a diversionary tactic to hopefully convince onlookers that she isn't herself.

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Her words against Clyde on twitter, calling him 'dusty' and saying he needs to wash... they come from racist stereotyping that we're lesser and we're dirty, that our skin tone isn't melanin, it's dirt.

I heard it a lot growing up- "go and have a bath" was yelled at my family many times by racists!!

Jade is telling on herself with those comments. She's racist AF!! 

Do better, Jade SMH!!

Edited by Giddy Aunt
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On 3/31/2024 at 5:19 PM, CEDAvsFan said:

Squirrel called me one as well. And Squirrel's false accusations against me perpetuate negative stereotypes against Black (and Latinx) men--mainly this false belief that we're all misogynists. Squirrel, to me, is anti-Black.

Does Spiritual just addicted to drama and trouble?

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On 4/3/2024 at 6:26 AM, Sam LaRusso said:

Would you mind if @Yas and I shared this blog in a chatroom for our school?

I already did. :evil4:

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Shouldn't Squirrel girl find a hobby? Internet troll is so sketch.

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On 3/29/2024 at 7:59 PM, Angie said:

I wouldn't be surprised if she began to attack Miley. 

She has. I've seen the tweets. 

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Spiritual Squirrel Vox should consider seeking therapy. She needs to figure out why she has this need to consistently stir up drama. 

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On 4/5/2024 at 6:36 AM, Giddy Aunt said:

Spiritualtatas hypocrisy-

These are some of her shiny new (very racist) friends- Deeny and Lindsay 


The Deany name is quite familiar. I think he mixes with a few hate groups.

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Wow, I feel like the world's biggest idiot of a man. Lol! Not wanting to throw myself out there (I want to remain anonymous) but I was starting to question if she was who she says she was. It's the way she just talks down to everyone in her circle if they do the simplest of things and acts like we are all scum. For ages I was wondering if it was my own unconscious bias but I'm not sure now. I'm neurodivergent so I'm a rubbish judge of character. 

I'm so sorry for your experiences with her. I feel like a fool for allowing her in. 

Edited by Bambi
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On 4/17/2024 at 8:53 PM, Bambi said:

Wow, I feel like the world's biggest idiot of a man. Lol! Not wanting to throw myself out there (I want to remain anonymous) but I was starting to question if she was who she says she was. It's the way she just talks down to everyone in her circle if they do the simplest of things and acts like we are all scum. For ages I was wondering if it was my own unconscious bias but I'm not sure now. I'm neurodivergent so I'm a rubbish judge of character. 

I'm so sorry for your experiences with her. I feel like a fool for allowing her in. 

Both Genxpuma and Spiritualsquirrelvox are the fools. Not you. They use people.

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On 3/30/2024 at 4:18 PM, Mandy Baby said:

I am sick to my stomach about this Squirrel woman!

She's creepy. The last thing she said to you, read it again. Can you say "stalker"? 


She's stuck up. She looks down on people for stupid reasons. 


She looks for excuses to make it look like others are the problem.


She acts like she is perfect. 


I think she hated anyone with a disability. See how she treated Miley (autism)? Major microaggressions in 2 videos. Both of which are conveniently gone.

Having an affair with a married man count as being far from perfect.. cheating on her current husband too.. 

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