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Patricia Silva Vs Planet Fitness Vs Transgender Woman



Recently I came upon an issue in the news regarding Planet Fitness and a woman named Patricia Silva of Fairbanks, Alaska. Before I really get "into it", the video below (same on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) gets to the basics of it.





The screenshots from the video.





Patricia Silva's main complaint is "There was a man in the women's locker room!". She has also mentioned there being a naked 12 year old child, with only a towel in the locker room at the time the trans woman was shaving. When it comes to the situation, alot can be said. I will touch upon each issue as I see fit.

The reason for Patricia Silva's ban from Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska

If all you look at is what Patricia Silva is saying and/or what many of her supporters are saying, then you'll be lead to believe she was banned in retaliation for speaking up about "a man in the women's locker room". This is false and untrue. The real reason for Patricia Silva's banning is because she "took a picture of someone in a locker room". It is VERY MUCH AGAINST PLANET FITNESS POLICY to take pictures of anyone else in the locker room. It's been a policy of Planet Fitness for a very long time.


(Assuming it's TRUE) THE CLAIM of a "naked 12 year old with only a towel"

IF TRUE... There's a few disturbing realizations. For one, why is a 12 year old alone in a locker room? Where are the parents? Why is a grown woman (Patricia Silva) taking pictures in the same locker room that the "naked 12 year old with only a towel" is at that present time? Even if the child isn't in the photo, it's still concerning. No one should be taking pics while a naked child, even one covered by a towel, is is very nearby!

Questions raised: Why haven't the parents of the child come forward to support and thank Patricia Silva for speaking up with what she (Patricia Silva) calls raising awareness for something concerning? Why haven't the parents of the child contacted Planet Fitness to voice their concerns? Why haven't the parents come forward online or with the media in defense of their child? Why aren't the parents pressing charges? Why did Patricia Silva choose to take a pic and NOT get a staff member right away, or call the police, to get help for the girl? Why did Patricia Silva choose to prioritize making a video rant outside of Planet Fitness over calling the police to help a little girl she claims was in the locker room? Shouldn't getting help for a child be priority over taking a picture?


(Assuming it's FALSE) THE CLAIM of a "naked 12 year old with only a towel"

IF FALSE... That would explain alot. One possibility for the claim could be that when Patricia Silva saw the transgender woman in the bathroom, she got upset because she feels like people should use the bathroom for the gender they are born as. Considering that Planet Fitness is very inclusive regarding gender identity, she thought that she would make up the story about a "naked 12 year old with only a towel" so her complaint would be taken as seriously as she wanted it to be taken.  This is the most likely possibility.

What makes me doubt Patricia Silva even saw the child in question in the locker room at the time is the questions raised, as I posted above and now below.

Questions raised: Why haven't the parents of the child come forward to support and thank Patricia Silva for speaking up with what she (Patricia Silva) calls raising awareness for something concerning? Why haven't the parents of the child contacted Planet Fitness to voice their concerns? Why haven't the parents come forward online or with the media in defense of their child? Why aren't the parents pressing charges? Why did Patricia Silva choose to take a pic and NOT get a staff member right away, or call the police, to get help for the girl? Why did Patricia Silva choose to prioritize making a video rant outside of Planet Fitness over calling the police to help a little girl she claims was in the locker room? Shouldn't getting help for a child be priority over taking a picture?


What Patricia Silva is claiming as the reason for her ban from Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska

Patricia Silva is claiming she was banned in retaliation for speaking up about "a man in the woman's locker room". This is easily proven false because of a picture she took of the transgender woman. A picture she has admitted to, in very public view, of taking and where. Planet Fitness has policies against pics/videos in the locker rooms of others.


Can Patricia Silva be sued by Planet Fitness?


Defamation, slander, libel...

Is she causing or contributing to any financial losses because of the falsehood she is spreading? YES.

Is she affecting their reputation with her falsehood? YES!

Is Patricia Silva causing harm to Planet Fitness? YES!

Patricia Silva is lying about her ban reason. That's the biggest thing! People all over are cancelling their Planet Fitness memberships because of what Patricia Silva is saying...because of her harping on her false claim of "I was banned in retaliation!". If her claim about the "naked 12 year old with only a towel" is proven to be false, it will only assist Planet Fitness in suing her should they choose to do so. With all the "Questions raised" I mentioned above, it casts some serious doubt that this child exists...which could further assist Planet Fitness in one heck of a legal case against Patricia Silva.


Can the transgender woman sue Patricia Silva?


The transgender woman committed no crime.

Did she show her penis to the child? NO!

Did she get undressed infront of the child? NO!

She was in the locker room shaving. She wasn't staring at anyone undressing. She wasn't approaching and bothering anyone. Planet Fitness policy allows for those to use the restroom of their gender identity.

The way that Patricia Silva is spreading all this around, it could bring quite a bit of harm to the transgender woman. It could make her a target of harassment, abuse, and possible hate crimes. Patricia Silva puts her at risk. Should something happen to her, Patricia Silva would be partially liable; at fault.


Help for the child in question?

Just why did Patricia Silva prioritize taking a picture over getting immediate help for the child she claimed was so frightened and traumatized?


Why no witnesses on Patricia Silva's behalf?

Patrica Silva expresses concern for this supposed child, right? Well, why hasn't anyone at that facility come forward, or spoken up online or to the media, about a woman distressed over what Patricia Silva says is a "frightened child because of a man in the women's locker room"?



While I was working on this, I received a private message from Patricia Silva and a very nasty comment from her to my FaceBook post with a link to a vieo about the matter. I will address each individually.


The private message I received from Patricia Silva.


3 different times throughout this message she tells me no one cares what I think. Ah! The ole "speaking for everyone" routine, which is telling someone "nobody cares...". When someone says that repeatedly, they typically do so for intimidation purposes. But why feel the need to intimidate me if I am such a liar and she is truthful?

"There was a young... There was a man with a penis...". First it is a 12 year old girl, a child. Now the claim is "...a young woman". Hmmm.

"I took a picture for authorities...". Really? Okay, so Patricia Silva claims to be concerned about "a man with a penis" in a woman's locker room, right? Well then... why did she prioritize getting a picture instead of getting help right away?

"But you forgot that part because you were an ignorant tyrant who doesn't care about other peoples feelings...". If I didn't care about anyone's feelings, then I wouldn't have spoken up about anything. Also her calling me an ignorant tyrant is quite the over-dramatization.

"You just want to be part of the WOKE community that accepts and tolerates child molestation and the cancellation of women's rights.". In simple terms, Patricia Silva is calling the entire LGBT and trans community child molesters and people who endorse and condone child molestation. That is a very prejudicial and bigoted statement.

"You need to go away...". In simple terms, Patricia Silva is telling me to shut up and to stop speaking up about some oddities in her whole story.

"If you're defending the pedo that causes crimes against humanity at planet fitness... the that makes you a criminal also.". All I did in my video, that I linked on my FaceBook page, was point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities. That doesn't make me a criminal. Also she is referring to the transgender woman as a pedo because she's transgender and without proof of her engaging in conduct a pedophile would. That's a prejudicial and bigoted statement; also a lame attempt to intimidate me.



The nasty comment from Patricia Silva to a Facebook post with a link to my video with thoughts on the whole matter.


"The American loving constitution, loving Bill of Rights, loving America first loving people do not care how you feel about the situation... because everything you said in the video was based on how you feel not the truth. Shame on you". As I said above... All I did was "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities". What Patricia Silva is trying to manipulate me into keeping quiet about the whole issue. She seems to be trying hard to intimidating me and guilting me into shutting up.

"Nobody really cares about your thoughts because you did not view the videos and if you did you report honestly. You left out the truth". Again with the "speaking for everyone" routine... I have seen her videos of her speaking about the matter. Her speaking about the matter is NOT solid proof there was a child in the locker room. What Patricia Silva is saying here is that anything she says in a video is absolute proof of truth. So, by her implied logic, if she said the sky is pink, then it is.



While I was working on this blog, my friend @CEDAvsFan made a video about his thoughts in Patricia Silva's message to me and her nasty Facebook comment. It's on Tiktok and YouTube.


@CEDAvsFan made alot of great points. Alot of the same ones I did. His video is worth a watch to gain some perspective.



A recent Facebook post by Patricia Silva complaining , not only about Planet Fitness, but also about the Fairbanks Police Department.


"Yes... Both me and the young girl sitting in the corner naked with a towel wrapped around her, were threatened by this man shaving his face in the women's lock room at Planet Fitness...". A FULLY CLOTHED transgender woman shaving their face is not a threat. Patricia Silva is being overdramatic.

"I took a picture of this pervert to give to the Fairbanks Police department...". So Patricia Silva will take a picture, to show the picture to the police department, but won't go and get help first? If Patricia Silva was telling the truth about a naked child in the locker room, then shouldn't she be calling the police before filming a video rant outside of Planet Fitness?

"They told me I have no rights over the situation and that the man in the women's locker room had every right to be there because HE identified as a girl... I called that child molestation on many levels". How is a transgender woman shaving their face molesting a child?



Link to Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13206823/Planet-Fitness-trans-locker-room-video-alaska-response.html

Various parts of the article that I'm pointing out.


Where's the mention of the naked 12 year old in only a towel? Oh and I noticed something INTERESTING... Apparently Planet Fitness filed a police report against Patricia Silva "citing her violation of gym policy by taking photos and/or videos in the locker room". I wonder if more went on than Patricia Silva is claiming.



[My Final Thoughts]

I understand that Patricia Silva hates the transgender (LGBT) community. It shows in her actions and how she's presented herself thus far. She behaves as if I am some terrible person out to hurt her and kids. All over a video in which I chose to "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities". This is weak guilting and intimidation on her part hoping it will make me feel so bad that I won't say anything else.

If Patricia Silva is being so honest and truthful, why does she act so threatened by me when all I did was "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities"?

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There is so many holes in how Patricia is presenting everything. It took me mere minutes to see she is blinded by her hate of all those transgender and that she will say anything to appear legit. Even if it is lying about a child being in the locker room.

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Patricia Silva can actually get criminal charges pressed against her for the picture in the locker room. People have for similar before.

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Not only should Patricia Silva be sued, she should be arrested. Everything about her actions screams "Hate crime"! Plus she's clearly lying! She harps on about a naked 12 y.o. child, but when she mentioned it one time, the "child" isn't mentioned. Plus, she later refers to the child as a "young woman." Last time I checked, 12 is still a child. As I said before, the lie about the child means that Patricia's just a hateful bigot. But even so, if there was a child, Patricia still took pictures. So if she's telling the truth, she's a pervert. Patricia needs to be behind bars; she clearly broke laws in this case.

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I called Patricia Silva's gym to inquire about said child. The person answering said "There was no child. That woman is causing us to get harassed. I can't say more." Then hung up.



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6 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Not only should Patricia Silva be sued, she should be arrested. Everything about her actions screams "Hate crime"! Plus she's clearly lying! She harps on about a naked 12 y.o. child, but when she mentioned it one time, the "child" isn't mentioned. Plus, she later refers to the child as a "young woman." Last time I checked, 12 is still a child. As I said before, the lie about the child means that Patricia's just a hateful bigot. But even so, if there was a child, Patricia still took pictures. So if she's telling the truth, she's a pervert. Patricia needs to be behind bars; she clearly broke laws in this case.

Patricia Silva has made lots of little mistakes. Both of which you and @GMileyCollier78 have pointed out. Ones that are hard to ignore, but get ignored mostly by those full of extreme transphobic hate. 

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7 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

Patricia Silva can actually get criminal charges pressed against her for the picture in the locker room. People have for similar before.

Charges need to be pressed against her.

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Why do none of Patricia's following ask her about getting the child's parents to come forward?

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7 hours ago, Angie said:

I called Patricia Silva's gym to inquire about said child. The person answering said "There was no child. That woman is causing us to get harassed. I can't say more." Then hung up.



Patricia = BUSTED!

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Dear #BoycottPlanetFitness crowd.......take your transphobia and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

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16 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Not only should Patricia Silva be sued, she should be arrested. Everything about her actions screams "Hate crime"! Plus she's clearly lying! She harps on about a naked 12 y.o. child, but when she mentioned it one time, the "child" isn't mentioned. Plus, she later refers to the child as a "young woman." Last time I checked, 12 is still a child. As I said before, the lie about the child means that Patricia's just a hateful bigot. But even so, if there was a child, Patricia still took pictures. So if she's telling the truth, she's a pervert. Patricia needs to be behind bars; she clearly broke laws in this case.

If people can get arrested for taking pictures in bathrooms, she should get arrested for what she did.

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3 hours ago, Lucy Bradford said:

If people can get arrested for taking pictures in bathrooms, she should get arrested for what she did.

Planet Fitness would need to press charges.

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I was there that day that Patricia Silva was. She created a scene at the front desk over what she says was a man in the women's locker room. She never said anything about a nude child with towel. I find this to be strange since she's publicly spoken of a nude child in the locker room on social media. But then again she can be a bit dramatic when she wants to be heard. I've seen her at the gym a few times before this incident. She is not someone I would want to regularly interact with. I always preferred to avoid her.

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2 hours ago, Juliet Starling said:

The trans woman was fully clothed and shaving. How was she a threat?

She wasn't. Patricia has a strong dislike for the trans community. It is so intense that I strongly believe she lied about there being a nude child in the locker room at the same time as the trans woman.

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15 hours ago, Angie said:

I called Patricia Silva's gym to inquire about said child. The person answering said "There was no child. That woman is causing us to get harassed. I can't say more." Then hung up.



A couple employees have been getting harassed due to Patricia Silva falsely leading people to believe her ban reason was some retaliation. It wasn't. She chose to take a picture on of someone in a locker room.

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You made a lot of great points. Especially about the supposed child. Either Patricia Silva is lying about the kid being there or she's a sexual offender for taking pictures near a naked kid in that towel.

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I read this earlier today and needed time to think. This has given me some things to think about.

Was there even a child in the locker room at the time?

If there was a child in the locker room at the time, how do we know that it was the transgender woman that made her uncomfortable and not Patricia taking pics in the locker room?

Where are the witnesses in Patricia's favor to vouch for her saying there was a child in the locker room at the time?

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4 hours ago, Alexa M said:

If there was a child in the locker room at the time, how do we know that it was the transgender woman that made her uncomfortable and not Patricia taking pics in the locker room?

A very good question!

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11 hours ago, PF Gym Rat said:

A couple employees have been getting harassed due to Patricia Silva falsely leading people to believe her ban reason was some retaliation. It wasn't. She chose to take a picture on of someone in a locker room.

Planet Fitness should sue Patricia Silva for defamation, libel, and slander.

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On 3/18/2024 at 12:51 AM, Billie Jean said:

Patricia Silva can actually get criminal charges pressed against her for the picture in the locker room. People have for similar before.

I will be contacting Planet Fitness and encouraging them to do so. no one should be taking pictures in a locker room. 

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15 hours ago, Juliet Starling said:

The trans woman was fully clothed and shaving. How was she a threat?

She wasn't. Patricia is a hateful bigot.

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7 hours ago, Alexa M said:

I read this earlier today and needed time to think. This has given me some things to think about.

Was there even a child in the locker room at the time?

If there was a child in the locker room at the time, how do we know that it was the transgender woman that made her uncomfortable and not Patricia taking pics in the locker room?

Where are the witnesses in Patricia's favor to vouch for her saying there was a child in the locker room at the time?

Either the child is made up or the child was uncomfortable that Patricia was taking pictures in the locker room. Why else would she not bring them up when complaining to front desk. 

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22 minutes ago, Keri said:

Either the child is made up or the child was uncomfortable that Patricia was taking pictures in the locker room. Why else would she not bring them up when complaining to front desk. 

Patricia Silva is either a liar or a pervert. 

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