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NextDoor Actively Making It HARDER To Report Moderators Guilty Of Harassment!



I am beginning to notice that NextDoor is actively trying to make it harder to report moderators guilty of harassment.There's this error I have been getting the last few times I've tried that only seems to come up when reporting a moderator for harassment. This is clear cut proof that NextDoor works to protect their moderators.





In previous blogs all listed below in the link, I've proven without a doubt that Next Door has been and continues to protect their moderators when they're guilty of harassment or anything unsavory.



Proof also in the videos I made and put in a special playlist on YouTube.




When will NextDoor stop protecting moderators that abuse their power and position? When will NextDoor stop punishing victims of these moderators?


I could wish in one hand and sh*t in the other. Guess which one gets filled first?

  • Thx 2


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Never stop calling out NextDoor and its moderators. One way or the other, they need to answer for their sins.

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