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Trinity "Naomi" Fatu's Web of Bullying and Manipulation



So on January 30, 2024, I tore up my Naomi fan card, which I actually had for about 15 years. It all started with this:




Here's the thing. Cosmic Dimensions merely quoted something from a reply post on the forum website. It was not an expression of what Cosmic Dimensions thought, it was only a quote from a reply post. Yet Naomi made it look like Cosmic Dimensions was directly attacking her and slandering her. That's not what happened. The words "says one person hearing of Naomi's treatment of a fan" are the only words actually from Cosmic Dimensions. The quote above those words is from the reply post. So Naomi's full of sh*t. A couple of posts exposed her terrible behavior towards some fans, yet when she was rightfully called out on Twitter, Naomi had the temerity to tweet what was shown in the screenshot. That last part stands out, "I've been through that enough." Has she really? I know the story's out that she was really messed with in WWE. But was she really? Was she really messed with, or did she act up, get clapped back, and she couldn't take it? So here was my response:


I meant every word I said, because Naomi's dead wrong for what she's doing, which includes inciting her fans to harass and bully Cosmic Dimensions. Also, I've seen nasty tweets by Naomi fans by non-fans that were immensely over the top, and over the slightest things, such as simply not liking Naomi's entrance music, for example. Naomi has even liked some of those tweets that I've seen. The basic fanbase of Naomi hasn't changed. Any slight critique of Naomi in the slightest way, or any calling out of her nonsense, and her fans go absolutely nuclear. Case in point:



Two links full of cruel insults, tone-deaf barbs, and even death threats. Yeah, death threats were actually tweeted out. Example:


Imagine actually resorting to threatening someone's life simply for stating that their favorite wrestler has done awful things.


Even more infuriating, this tweet is calling Cosmic Dimensions "racist clowns" who "did the same BS to Sasha." First off, Sasha was never mentioned. Secondly, calling out a bad experience with Naomi is not racist. Nothing racist was said, and no slurs were said. And again, nothing was ever said by Cosmic Dimensions about Sasha. Perhaps this "kNattieP" person thinks she's doing Naomi a favor; Naomi's claiming that Cosmic Dimensions "made everything up," so "kNattieP" thinks she'll do Naomi a favor by slandering Naomi's victim and getting them harassed.

Naomi and Sasha are not in the same boat. I do remember that Naomi and Sasha Banks left WWE because creative wasn't using them right. However, I honestly think that Naomi wrecked Sasha's WWE career with that. Sasha actually has been treated so wrongly by WWE, and Sasha and Bianca Belair have been on the receiving end of racism. However, neither Sasha nor Bianca have conducted themselves in the poor and tacky manner that Naomi has. Plus, Naomi returned to WWE at the first chance. That has me thinking. When she went to TNA (then known as Impact Wrestling), I assumed that she would be there for the long run, and either retire there, or go back to WWE after about three years there. She wasn't in TNA for a year before she jumped right back to WWE. I wouldn't be surprised if Naomi played this card for her own benefit, so she could swoop back in to WWE and kiss up to them now that, in Naomi's mind, there's one less Black girl "in her way" (Sasha).

Also, one of the tweets said Naomi has a lawsuit. She doesn't. If anything, Cosmic Dimensions does, and that's because Naomi slandered and defamed them with her false accusations of being verbally attacked by them. If anything actually happens to Cosmic Dimensions, Naomi will definitely be at fault. Oh, and remember that tweet of hers she posted in response to Cosmic Dimensions? The same tweet I quote tweeted? Gone. She deleted the tweet right after I called her out. Naomi was covering her a** after seeing that I had called her out for her nonsense. As for myself, I'm upset. I am usually careful (or I try to be) regarding who I should and shouldn't support. I'm upset at Naomi for pulling this nonsense like this. And it's all for clout, after all, she returned at the Rumble. I should have known something was up when she basically defended her husband, Jimmy Uso, for his DUI. She's an absolute nutcase.

Edited by Forum Admin
Moved to right category at request of member.

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:29 PM, Goldenforce772 said:

As someone who understands the pain of being disappointed by a famous person(and most of you know my story already), this comes as no surprise to me that Naomi would pull this crap. What is it about being famous that turns someone into an outright mean and vicious person? And the truth is, she's a subpar wrestler, as the Royal Rumble demonstrated. This whole thing is downright disgusting. 

On 1/31/2024 at 2:47 PM, Babydoll said:

My stepsister is a big Naomi fan and will be totally crushed when she hears about this.


I am so disappointed by Naomi.

Does she know? How did she take it?

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On 2/2/2024 at 1:30 AM, Gwen said:

I shared this blog in a antibully group I'm in. My post has 309 replies. All but 19 are disgusted with Naomi. 

I think WWE needs to release Naomi and sign Gabbi Tuft, who is more of a lady than Naomi will ever be

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On 2/2/2024 at 4:42 AM, Gwen said:

It's never pleasant when you see your idol acting like Naomi did here.

When I watch WWE with my cousin and his neighbors, we all boo Naomi. That woman acts so damn entitled.

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Naomi will kiss a** to the right people, but if she sees you as beneath her, or she can use you to get attention or play victim, she won't hesitate to do so. 


As a wrestler, she is a failure. She rides off the coattails of others. As a person, she is quick to gaslight her followers over petty sh*t. 


The only skill Naomi has is being the nastiest bully on the playground. 


CosmcDimensions of Twitter isn't the only victim that her followers attacked and falsely accused of being racist. Haven't you noticed that anytime Naomi doesn't like what a person says, her followers attack that person with false accusation of being racist? Consider how vicious the attacks got upon CosmcDimensions, I can't help but wonder if she DMed a few people to ask them to attack them online. It wouldn't surprise me. 


I had a bad experience with Naomi too. I commented she needed a better theme. One more deserving of her. I was a fan then. She, yes Naomi herself, accused me of being racist! Next thing I know, I was getting hundreds of tweets and DMs accusing me of being racist. One person showed me a DM from Naomi claiming she was upset because I was being racist towards her and she wasn't in the mood to talk. The proof was in video form. Naomi asked this person to help her out. Luckily that person had the maturity to block her and ignore her.

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1 hour ago, Spirit Squad said:

Naomi will kiss a** to the right people, but if she sees you as beneath her, or she can use you to get attention or play victim, she won't hesitate to do so. 


As a wrestler, she is a failure. She rides off the coattails of others. As a person, she is quick to gaslight her followers over petty sh*t. 


The only skill Naomi has is being the nastiest bully on the playground. 


CosmcDimensions of Twitter isn't the only victim that her followers attacked and falsely accused of being racist. Haven't you noticed that anytime Naomi doesn't like what a person says, her followers attack that person with false accusation of being racist? Consider how vicious the attacks got upon CosmcDimensions, I can't help but wonder if she DMed a few people to ask them to attack them online. It wouldn't surprise me. 


I had a bad experience with Naomi too. I commented she needed a better theme. One more deserving of her. I was a fan then. She, yes Naomi herself, accused me of being racist! Next thing I know, I was getting hundreds of tweets and DMs accusing me of being racist. One person showed me a DM from Naomi claiming she was upset because I was being racist towards her and she wasn't in the mood to talk. The proof was in video form. Naomi asked this person to help her out. Luckily that person had the maturity to block her and ignore her.

I'm deeply sorry you had a horrible experience with Naomi. She deserves to be blacklisted for life.

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