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NextDoor Staff And Moderators: Abuse Of Power And Position



When I first joined NextDoor, I loved it. It was friendly. People were decent. But that didn't last long. It started with frequent rudeness and snippiness amongst people. I didn't think much of it at first beyond just avoiding threads with "unfriendly" people. Then I noticed lots of trolling over the most petty of things. So I begun to stick to the few groups I am in with an occasional post in the neighborhood feed. Sometimes I would respond to other people's posts. If I got trolled, I wouldn't respond.


Matters started to take a turn early last year when I reported NextDoor moderator Autumn Leigh Martin for racial profiling and for gaslighting white folks against a Latina woman complaining about a white child defacing and damaging her property. The Latina woman wanted to locate the child's guardians so she could discuss compensation and repairs. Autumn Leigh Martin shamed her. She kept referring to what the child did as "kids being kids". Anything that could be said to blame the Latina woman, was said. Nearly everyone defending her was bashed and targeted. For awhile NextDoor did nothing. One person who saw all this even made a video on YouTube with some evidence of Autumn Leigh Martin's atrocious behavior.


Only a small portion of the evidence is shown in this video. There was alot more evidence, but it was "cleaned up". Including a reply to another person's post claiming I threatened her with a gun. She described me as a black woman. While I make a point to avoid responding to trolls and trolling, I deemed this necessary. I posted a short reply with a video of me saying "Hi" and waving. Thus proving I am not a black woman. That which put holes in her story. My response got ALOT of likes (23) despite not lasting long. The comment was deleted by a moderator. Then other comments began to disappear. Someone was cleaning up their racial profiling and anyone not agreeing with her.


Not too long later another video was made highlighting the fact that it was obvious NextDoor was doing next to nothing about Autumn Leigh Martin's racial profiling of this Latina woman and her harassment of multiple people.


But I suspect that a short time after this video was made, that she might have been briefly suspended. Her profile looked "different" for awhile. Ever since then, to this day, I have been targeted by NextDoor moderators and staff.



I replied to a post by a "Hannah Taylor" about a friend's missing dog. I asked a simple question "Why the dead or alive'?". I was wanting clarification because I didn't want others, who would troll, to create trouble. Instead of giving me a simple answer, moderators Melissa McGonagle and Hannah Taylor sort of ganged up on me and treated me like I was causing a problem on top of gaslighting me. Proof of the exchange is seen in a Tiktok below that's geared toward bullying in general. It starts at the "3:45" mark.


Melissa McGonagle attempted to twist my words and make it look like I was saying something completely different. Hannah Taylor got very snippy and a little overdramatic like I said something super offensive. Both of which was unnecessary. Usually when people act like this, they sometimes go after the person behind the scenes in private messages. So, to prevent that, I went to the profiles of Hannah Taylor and Melissa McGonagle to block them. That's when I noticed they were both moderators. Sadly "BLOCKING" someone only keeps them from messaging you privately and requesting to connect with you. It doesn't keep them from replying to your posts. I figured that out when Melissa McGonagle replied to another post of mine to berate me and lecture me that I shouldn't let my cats have kittens and more than 3 cats is too many. I tried to politely respond telling her that the 3 kittens were adopted and their mama and papa isn't their natural mama and papa, but they act like it. the reply wouldn't post. She apparently chose to delete the comment.


On another occasion, not mentioned in that above Tiktok by someone (not me), Hannah Taylor (MODERATOR) mildly shamed me for my post about this Walmart's awful service when it came to delivering groceries. I reported the comment, but of course it never got deleted. Moderators have special privilege to act and behave how they want towards others. I've seen some posts by regular people get removed for less.


Hannah Taylor is also, in a way, mildly shaming anyone that uses grocery delivery service. I did have a reply up simply saying "There are many reasons people use grocery delivery services. But to each their own. We all have our preferences. :)", but it was removed and I was suspended for 3 days. It was called "Disrespectful to neighbors". I was in no way disrespectful. But I guess when it comes to moderators, they can abuse their position/power and it is considered okay by NextDoor staff.


I got a rude response from a random troll once telling me the end of me would be a blessing to the world. That was a response to a post of mine asking what days fireworks are legal. A moderator by the name of Candice Stidham replied saying "I wish she would lol". A friend of mine (@Angie) took a screenshot of it and posted it on Twitter(X) tagging NextDoor. She simply asked why, despite being reported, nothing was being done about Candice Stidham laughing it up that someone said the world would be better without me, which is another way to encourage suicide. She got a response saying the person affected should report. I contacted NextDoor via DM while linking the tweet with proof. They asked my name and email. I gave it. Next thing I know, I am suspended for almost 2 weeks. My post was deleted. It was deemed unneighborly. This was when I knew FOR SURE that I was a target by local mods. My post asking a normal question was deleted. Candice Stidham, a moderator, laughs it up when I am told by someone the world would be better off without me... and I AM SUSPENDED? I contacted NextDoor pointing it out. First I was told the post was considered politically charged. Then I was told I shouldn't be sharing screenshots of things posted on Next Door. My friend @Angie was pointed out. I replied back saying that was a friend that took that screenshot. Their response was saying I should have had her remove it. NextDoor staff does love to protect moderators.


Here and there up until now, I've gotten some random rude replies to my replies on posts. Most of them have been NextDoor moderators. Each of those gave off vibes that I was being gaslighted and targeted.


Recently I had made a post about a bad Uber Eats driver experience. The videos below (same on TikTok and YouTube) explains it all in detail. Plus I mention how I've been a target of NextDoor moderators since I reported Autumn Leigh Martin for racial profiling. Also for her harassment upon multiple people.



NextDoor changes their story on why the post was hidden. They call me shameful and uncivil despite me contacting them politely.


A friend contacted me wanting to do a story on the toxic moderator problem on Next Door. He's the same guy whose 2 YouTube videos and 1 TikTok that I linked. The story is right here. It points out a few examples of toxic moderators.

ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/EHihJ


He posted the story after we had a chat.



If you're at this point, you're likely thinking this blog is about me and my experience with toxic moderators on NextDoor. Not so. This blog's main focus is toxic moderators,toxic staff, and NextDoor being all around toxic. Why listen to someone about a subject they have little to no personal experience in? So I started it off with my own experience. You get it.


NOW...let's highlight some experiences of others. It's not all about me.


Twitter(X) user "JayBoating" calls out NextDoor for allowing their moderators and their friend spew forth hate with little to no consequences while they suspend people for having differing opinions.




Twitter(X) user "RobertBPlus" speaks of the fact that Next Door freely allows discrimination, lies, bullying, and their moderators to be abusive.




Twitter(X) user "travelurownpath" speaks of being permanently suspended from NextDoor over a post where they were trying to find homes for kittens.




Twitter(X) user "TonyGre97915994" speaks of how a NextDoor moderator went too far for reporting a friend of theirs.




Twitter(X) user "MarkMYYZ" calls out NextDoor in how they support their mods harassing and allowing harassment.




Twitter(X) user "Khatra_J" calls NextDoor out for wrongfully suspending her and for theirs actions, which imply they support bullying and racism.




Twitter(X) user "teatimechick" speaks of moderator corruption and bad behavior over disagreements and their friends being reported.




Twitter(X) user "Christo74689296" calling out NextDoor for mods abusing their power.





I could go on, but I believe that I've more than made my point. NextDoor was once a great and wonderful place to be online. But moderators abusing their power and position have turned it into a place you just want to avoid as much as possible.

If NextDoor wants to be great again, how about they do something about their toxic staff and moderation teams.

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Very well said!! Next Door is absolutely toxic, hypocritical, and horrendous. The way they condone their racist and bullying mods' behavior is just disgusting. Even worse, Next Door gets all snippy and b***hy when they get called out. They can't handle the truth! Good for you for standing up against Next Door's bullsh*t and nonsense! They are absolutely pathetic! They kiss up to their mods way too much! It's absolutely hideous!

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NextDoor preaches a neighborly environment, but they allow their mods to f**king target people. 

NextDoor staff are hypocritical b*st**ds.

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5 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Very well said!! Next Door is absolutely toxic, hypocritical, and horrendous. The way they condone their racist and bullying mods' behavior is just disgusting. Even worse, Next Door gets all snippy and b***hy when they get called out. They can't handle the truth! Good for you for standing up against Next Door's bullsh*t and nonsense! They are absolutely pathetic! They kiss up to their mods way too much! It's absolutely hideous!

What's hideous is how they punish victims and pamper the f**king bullies and racists.

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If NextDoor was really about peace and a neighborly environment, they'd actually do something about their corrupted mod teams. They'd start removing mod powers and lowering the ban hammer.

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1 hour ago, Luis Virgil said:

NextDoor preaches a neighborly environment, but they allow their mods to f**king target people. 

NextDoor staff are hypocritical b*st**ds.

You got that right. They will often suspend the victim and coddle the out of control mods.

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I was wondering when you would be brave enough to blog about this. Raising awareness about toxicity on NextDoor is very important.

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2 hours ago, Angie said:

If NextDoor was really about peace and a neighborly environment, they'd actually do something about their corrupted mod teams. They'd start removing mod powers and lowering the ban hammer.

They especially need to do something about that Autumn Leigh Martin mod. The way she gaslighted people against that poor Latina woman. Horrible!

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I left NextDoor last year after a moderator suspended me for asking them to stop being so hateful to this black girl.

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11 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

They especially need to do something about that Autumn Leigh Martin mod. The way she gaslighted people against that poor Latina woman. Horrible!

She's white. I doubt NextDoor will care.

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I strongly advise you look up all these mods on all the social media you are on and block them so if they get any ideas to harass you outside of Next Door, it will help.

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9 hours ago, Cheerleader Vicky said:

She's white. I doubt NextDoor will care.

While NextDoor has employees that are not white, why is it mostly the white employees making the tough choices?

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This Autumn Leigh Martin you speak of is especially disturbing. Her gaslighting of white people against a Latina and racially profiling is telling of the kind of person she is.

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2 hours ago, Keri said:

I strongly advise you look up all these mods on all the social media you are on and block them so if they get any ideas to harass you outside of Next Door, it will help.

That's a good idea. The best way to handle someone like Autumn and those corrupt mods is to cut them off.

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On 1/5/2024 at 2:07 PM, CEDAvsFan said:

Very well said!! Next Door is absolutely toxic, hypocritical, and horrendous. The way they condone their racist and bullying mods' behavior is just disgusting. Even worse, Next Door gets all snippy and b***hy when they get called out. They can't handle the truth! Good for you for standing up against Next Door's bullsh*t and nonsense! They are absolutely pathetic! They kiss up to their mods way too much! It's absolutely hideous!

I've seen videos of the NextDoor CEO online going on about how they don't welcome racism. All I could do was laugh. Hypocrites.

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Too many karens on the mod teams. I left when one tried to drag me into their drama.

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14 hours ago, Erich W said:

I've seen videos of the NextDoor CEO online going on about how they don't welcome racism. All I could do was laugh. Hypocrites.

Sarah Friar could care less about racism when it comes to the mods on the site.

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On 1/8/2024 at 2:58 AM, Beavis said:

Too many karens on the mod teams. I left when one tried to drag me into their drama.

My father got banned for telling a mod he would press charges if he kept harassing me.

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This is proof that NextDoor supports racism. If they didn't then they would have taken away the mod abilities from Autumn Martin and banned her permanently.

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4 hours ago, Babydoll said:

Autumn Leigh Martin is totally awful! Why does she act like she does?

I wish I knew. She's so pretty. Why be so mean?

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Please take the time to search through threads to block moderators. Find them elsewhere you are and block them too.

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On 1/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, Juliet Starling said:

This is proof that NextDoor supports racism. If they didn't then they would have taken away the mod abilities from Autumn Martin and banned her permanently.

NextDoor needs an Elon Musk style take over.

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Thank you for posting this. I was starting to feel like I’m the only one going through something like this. 

Commissioner Elvin Villalobos in Tamarac Florida has been abusing his position as a government official to silence anyone who criticizes his actions as a politician on NextDoor. Two women named Kate Johnson and Beth Starkweather are members of the Review Team and help Elvin to perpetuate this unfair treatment. Kate and Beth aren’t even using their real names but their accounts aren’t banned. They also allow many discriminatory posts to go unchecked but quickly flag posts simply because they don’t like the person who posts it. 

I wish we could bring attention to this on a national level and force Nextdoor to change its policies. The community moderator system is flawed. 

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15 hours ago, Jodi R. said:

Thank you for posting this. I was starting to feel like I’m the only one going through something like this. 

Commissioner Elvin Villalobos in Tamarac Florida has been abusing his position as a government official to silence anyone who criticizes his actions as a politician on NextDoor. Two women named Kate Johnson and Beth Starkweather are members of the Review Team and help Elvin to perpetuate this unfair treatment. Kate and Beth aren’t even using their real names but their accounts aren’t banned. They also allow many discriminatory posts to go unchecked but quickly flag posts simply because they don’t like the person who posts it. 

I wish we could bring attention to this on a national level and force Nextdoor to change its policies. The community moderator system is flawed. 

I think that we all need to start documenting this unfair treating in a blog and also back it up in multiple locations. People need to start speaking up more. But so many are afraid to because they feel they need NextDoor for those "alerts" about suspicious activity around. Awareness can help one prevent quite a bit of trouble. I noticed that as more began to speak up and speak out that a rule was added to Next Door stating you can't share screenshots of things on NextDoor anywhere without permission. That to me says coverup.

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