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  1.  Does Velner have nothing better to do than to spread insane slander on his way-too-long Twitch streams? We all know the answer is a big fat "no."

    So on 9/1/2024, Velner was at it yet again on Twitch, and so was one of his favorite mindless followers:  "snowbals," who chimed in with this comment featured in this screenshot:


    Archive link:  https://archive.is/fS6mu

    So yeah, along with "snowbals" making that comment, Velner delivered his latest blatant lie:  he falsely accused Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl of posting a bunch of blogs about Spicyryan. We later hear Velner moan and groan about how he "should have listened to Spicyryan." He needs to shut up. This is the latest bit of evidence proving that Velner isn't the least bit apologetic over all of the bullsh*t he's pulled. Velner is a drama queen. He lives for drama. He loves creating drama. He loves it when others bring drama so he can add on to it. Velner's other obsession is slandering HM from Quetz with every lie he can think of, including his "same person" lie, and the false accusations of insulting Velner's cat Danders--who Velner basically neglects on his streams. It's all Velner has. Velner has nothing going for him other than obsessing over HM from Quetz, his live streams, and gaslighting his gullible, dumb f**k followers. He's a pathetic man-child with a sociopathic streak. Velner has trashed HM from Quetz so much that all he has to do is be vague on details and his b***hes know who he is talking about.


    Here's my video calling out Velner's latest act of nonsense. I have to make a slight correction. I do mention Velner falsely accusing HM from Quetz of posting "a bunch of blogs" about Spicyryan, and I said in the video that she never posted one. I did recall that HM from Quetz did have ONE blog out calling out Velner and Spicyryan's bullsh*t, but that's it. Last time I checked, ONE is not the same as "a bunch." Here's the video:



    Here are some past blogs on the subject:


    First up, my blog about Velner's history of stalking and harassment, among other things:


    Next up, my blog calling out Velner and his sheep of followers being bullies:


    And my blog that calls out Velner's fake "apology":



    And here's my most recent blog regarding Velner's disgraceful conduct:




    Here's HM from Quetz's blog calling out Velner's BS:


    And here's HM from Quetz's blog saying that if she's going to be accused of being HM for Asura, she may as well do it:



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    I am a victim of Blabette_ of the site X.


    I was on X, but I have deactivated my account due to severe harassment and stalking. It happened last year. It was so bad that I became suicidal. I was in a mental health facility for 2 months. I took a much needed break from being online. I didn't get online again until 2 days ago.


    This began with 6 words in an X post I made: "I will never support Jonathan Majors". I blocked Blabette_ when she responded because she was aggressive in her response to try to convince me to support Jonathan Majors. She didn't take it well. I ignored her so, Blabette_ and her clique (most of which were Johnny Depp supporters) targeted my friends on such a level that they decided to distance themselves from me. I ended up with no friends and feeling so alone. I was frequently spammed with DMs from X accounts made for the sole purpose of harassment. I've been told to kill myself. I was threatened with doxxing if I didn't stop supporting Grace Jabbari and Amber Heard. One X account that contacted me shared my address with me and my phone number. The police in my area wouldn't help me. Their solution was to tell me, "Just turn the computer off". I was shamed and blamed for the DMs I got because I kept my DMs open. That which I only did for the few supportive people I spoke with.


    One day it got to be too much to handle. So I attempted to take my own life. Luckily my sister found me. This is still a very sensitive subject for me. So this will be all I'm going to say right now.

  2. Yesterday I expressed my dislike, in a post on Twitter, for a movie on LMN on Thursday 7/25/2024 called "The Killer With No Name". This MyCrownIsHeavy decides to act like the typical troll trying to pick a fight. All because I did not like that movie.





    He sent me a very unsavory DM. Reported. Blocked. A few friends of mine told me I needed to block him and forget him. One had to endure racist comments via DM. The other dealt with being encouraged to kill themselves! I obviously can't show the DMs.

    1. When you report a Twitter DM, it disappears like 99% of the time. I rarely report, so I forgot.

    2. Many image uploading sites have rules against extreme language and threats.




    Those 2 replies of mine above wasn't all I said about MyCrownIsHeavy and his drama!





    MyCrownIsHeavy decided to cry innocent like a typical internet troll.





    I replied to CreatorLuther69. I kept it simple because I prefer to say what I have to say and move on.





    Apparently MyCrownIsHeavy and sista_loc are stirring up drama in typical internet troll fashion.





    Someone (MsFitGirl33) is mad I refuse to delete the truth I've spoken about MyCrownIsHeavy and sista_loc.





    Oh! MyCrownIsHeavy isn't just a sicko creep. He's also a little bit racist. Those that have experience with racism will know exactly how.





    One specific thing I need to highlight is what I said below. No need for me to re-explain. It's explanation enough.





    A friend of mine, who witnessed everything, made a Tiktok with his own take.






    MyCrownIsHeavy is nothing more than a drama junkie and garden variety internet troll. His best defense was the ever so common,

    1. She's lying!

    2. She's mentally unwell!

    That style of harassment is so old!


    My 14 year old neighbor (she asked I not mention her name) texted me and asked me why this gay guy sent her a d**k pic over her asking him a simple question "Do u rly have a husband? So cool. I have 2 dads". She thinks it might have been an accidental send. Personally, I don't think so.


    What's laughable is how MyCrownIsHeavy replied to CreatorLuther69. Talk about a toddler tantrum!




    Thank you to:

    @CEDAvsFan: For getting the screenshots I used in this blog.
    @Elektra: For suggesting I put long series of links, photos, and tweets in those quote boxes so this blog looks more organized and doesn't look like an eye sore.

  3. I had decided to ask a simple question to be sure if The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story was about that woman that had harassed herself in the late 1970s.


    Someone then chose to respond to me "crying SPOILER" with a sarcastic thanks.



    This was my response. I felt as if the sternness and tough love was necessary.



    Complaining about spoilers regarding a movie based on a true story is ridiculous because it's based on something that has happened that any one person can easily read up about. 


    Another point, I was asking a basic question. A basic question is not a spoiler. A question about a movie's plot, to see if it's the right movie, is not a spoiler.

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    I saw a link to a blog here while I was looking at the X page for NextDoor. So, I thought I would tell my story and look around. This is the blog that was linked that lead me here.

    I was banned permanently from Next Door around the end of the 5th season of The Rookie. I made a post about how I think we need a #Chenford engagement in season 6. I kept it simple. I got alot of responses. Alot of people were all for it. Only 1 person wasn't. One of them was a moderator named Autumn Martin that told me I needed to keep my "stupid sh*t" out of public feed. She told me I should go Mexico and stay there and to take Melissa O'Neil (Lucy on The Rookie) with me. This Autumn Martin appeared to be drunk with the way she was replying to my post and others commenting. I decided to delete it to stop the madness. 


    I sent a private message to Autumn Martin. I asked if she was okay and wanted to talk. I was raised to be the bigger person. She sent me some hateful rant. I blocked her and logged out.


    3 days later, I discovered I was permanently banned. It took a week to find out why. A staff member told me via email that I was banned for harassing a moderator. I explained that the only moderator I ever spoke with was Autumn Martin. I asked to be shown what is deemed as harassment. Apparently  asking if she was okay was deemed sarcastic. Which it wasn't. I ended up with a speech about how saying "are you okay" sarcastically is harassment. I explained over and over it was genuine. That didn't matter.



    I would further protest the ban, but it's not worth my time.

  4. Michigan wins, Washington loses. Consolation prize for the loser: dinner at the White House with Chucky the killer doll.

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