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Speaking about the bullying experiences I, and others, have endured BECAUSE OF Joseph (Joey) A Camp.

Entries in this blog

The Curse Of Belize (aka. Joey Camp)

Joey Camp has taken it upon himself to continuously engage in online attacks against the Belize PD police commissioner Chester Williams and the Belize PD...amongst other things. The video below gives the gist of it. (Video on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram)       Screenshot, from the video above, showing the links to multiple ARCHIVE lists.       Each and every archive from the archive lists shown above. COMMENTS: Joey Camp is playing with fire

Joey Camp ARRESTED in Belize! AND MORE!

Thanks to "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)", not too long ago I learned that Joey Camp had been arrested.   Of course I've spoken my thoughts under many of the tweets posted by "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)" about the situation with Joey Camp being arrested AND about Joey Camp's brother in law, Jaylon Jones, being charged with murder. I also spoke some of my thoughts, and curiosities, in the video below (on YouTube, TikTok, & Instagram). My Comments: In simple terms, I spo
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