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Speaking about the bullying experiences I, and others, have endured BECAUSE OF Joseph (Joey) A Camp.

Entries in this blog

When Mean Girls Attack...

Another casualty of the bullying I've been through since 2015 is on some RARE occasions if someone doesn't like what someone I speak with says, one of 2 things happen. 1) I get hassled to tell them to STFU. Sometimes they dig into me and link the iron troll blogs to me threatening to put them back out there. Luckily each Twitter(X) account that has done that, has been suspended. 2) The one I'm acquainted with gets accused of being me and the IronTroll blogs are linked. Words are said t


Elektra in My Bullying Experiences

When A Bully Resurfaces: SheSharpShoots of Twitter(X)

After some YEARS, a particularly vicious bully has re-surfaced. For a little background, watch my YouTube about it.   Now that's you're caught up... Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] got blocked immediately after. I wasn't going to apologize to her. Why should I? She mentally abused me off and on for years in many ways. Apologizing to this abuser/bully would be like saying what she did to me was okay... 1) Lying about me. 2) Spreading rumors about me as


Elektra in My Bullying Experiences

Portions Of Harassment From, And Because Of, Vincenza And Her Friends

(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 9/12/2023) Up until now I have chosen to tell my story by showing the effect particular bullying has had on my life. What I am about to show is bullying by, and because of, Vincenza when I was brave enough to break away from that abusive group. Along with some bullying prior.   The Archive: https://archive.ph/KxorM In this series of tweets, these people attack a Twitter user that's befriended me despite lies told about me. "Evsmom" (frien


Elektra in My Bullying Experiences

The Joey A Camp Factor?

(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 2/25/2023) Recently I was contacted via Twitter DM by a couple of people regarding Joey A Camp. At first I was wondering how they would know I interacted with him long ago. Mostly in 2015 with the little interaction we had. Then I realized the same picture on this blog of me is the same I use on my Twitter page.   I have been asked not mention either of them by name "out of fear of retaliation and harassment" from Joey A Camp. One of them has


Elektra in My Bullying Experiences

The Bullying That's Greatly Affected My Life

(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 7/25/2022) My name is Glen Miley Collier. I have autism. Those who truly know me know that I'm a good, decent, honest, respectful, and very patient person.   Due to the actions of one "Vincenza", a disbarred attorney from New Jersey, various friends of hers, and Joey A Camp.....some random people have been lead to believe some horrible and very untrue things about me. They've (Vincenza, some of her friends, and Joey A Camp) attacked and harass


Elektra in My Bullying Experiences

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