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Speaking about the bullying experiences I, and others, have endured BECAUSE OF Joseph (Joey) A Camp.

Entries in this blog

Joey Camp's Run Run To Mexico...Then What?

Joey Camp is no longer in Belize. He's in Mexico. He's still continuing his online assault of Police Commissioner Chester Williams of the Belize PD, "ThatDaneshGuy", and Dr James McGibney of Bullyville. One of his most common claims about the latter 2 is his false claim that they're pedophiles. Dr James McGibney and "ThatDaneshGuy" are not pedophiles. He's also continuously making bold claims of things he claims responsibility in order to make himself appear powerful.   Some of Joey Ca

Joey Camp: The Energizer Bunny Of Belize

Just like the Energizer Bunny, Joey Camp keeps going and going... Only this time he's showing his extremely unhealthy obsession with the Belize police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams. He's also developing an unhealthy obsession with his attempts to affect the economy in Belize. The archives below speak volumes of my claims. MY COMMENTS: The obsession here is STRONG!     A few people I know have have been pointing out QUITE ALOT about Joey Camp. Very good examples below.

Joey Camp Continues To Menace Belize!

After Joey plead GUILTY to "spreading false news", he has taken it upon himself to viciously attack Belize Police Commissioner Chester Williams online with slanderous and defamatory remarks. He's gone on to blame the police for his own choice in spreading fake/false news. I speak about it in the video below, which is on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. My Comments: Joey Camp keeps digging himself into some deep sh*t.     The screenshots FROM the video above are below.
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