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Cosmic Dimensions
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About this blog

Speaking about the bullying experiences I, and others, have endured BECAUSE OF Joseph (Joey) A Camp.

Entries in this blog

Addressing The Claims Made By "Zile" of IronTroll(.com)

(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 9/18/2023) Some may not believe this, but I have been oblivious to some things mentioned/claimed by "ZileAndBea" (aka the owner of irontroll.com) from 2017-2020. I shall address them here. Please keep in mind that he was falsely and grossly mislead by Vincenza, Vincenza's friends, and Joey A Camp regarding me. Those people have made profiles trying to be me and profiles in which they would claim I've said and done things I would never say or do.  


Elektra in Addressing "IronTroll".

Addressing the "IronTroll" Blogs About Me

(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 11/16/2022) I would like to take some time to address the blogs on irontroll.com about me. There are 2 sides to every story. The blogs about me on irontroll.com is one side. Now I'll tell my side.   When I do a search on IronTroll for my full name, I see this. Archive: https://archive.ph/GDbJq Of course there are other blogs where I am mentioned that don't show here, but I'll address those later in this blog.     First


Elektra in Addressing "IronTroll".

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