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Speaking about the bullying experiences I, and others, have endured BECAUSE OF Joseph (Joey) A Camp.

Entries in this blog

The Usual Obsessions of Joey Camp

Joey Camp is still intent on trying to shut me up via his weak intimidation tactics. One of them being bashing my looks. Another being purposely misgendering me. He's also resorting to attacking friends of mine in hopes of isolating me by scaring them off.   Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112045582952544636 ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/ympqX My Comments: Joey Camp continues to bash my looks and go on about saying he doesn't break the law.     Ga

Sexual Harassment On Behalf Of Joey Camp

Tonight I ended up with 3 rather aggressive people on SnapChat that approached me out of the blue. Not a coincidence this is now happening since Joey Camp began to harass me again. Now it seems that others are harassing me on behalf of Joey Camp (JoeyCamp2020 on Gab)... or these 3 below could be him.   "Sendnud2007" of SnapChat approaches me at random as if I spoke to him before as he keeps encouraging me to unalive myself. My Comments: Someone I never spoke to got really nasty

The Saga Of Joey Camp Continues...

Joey Camp continues his harassment of me in an attempt to silence me from speaking up about what he has put me through so far, and is now.   Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112003887756984255 ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/fONeJ My Comments: In simple terms, Joey Camp is trying to make it look like I am on some crusade against him over him fat shaming me. He attempts to play innocent as if he honestly doesn't know if I am male or female. that's his way of implyin

Attempt To Intimidate To Silence via Victim Blaming, Fat Shaming, and Misgendering

And the shaming by Joey Camp continues. While going extra hard on the fat shaming, he's also attempting to fault me for his abuse of me.   The videos below give the gist of it. (Same one on TikTok and Instagram as on YouTube in each section)     The 3 below "quotes"... Each is dedicated to a recent post by JoeyCamp2020 on Gab about me slandering, defaming, fat shaming, and victim blaming me.     In each post, and ones prior, Joey Camp attem

Joey A Camp: Striking Again

Not much has happened since I last spoke of how the massive bullying against me began, what transpired because of it, and other things pertaining to it. But I have done alot of thinking. What got me thinking was looking at the Twitter(X) timeline for "CredibleIntel". Especially the posts about Joey Camp. by evidence of what he was showing, it's been made obvious that Joey Camp isn't just living his life and trying to rebuild (or rebrand). He's still the same troublemaker. I've also recently deci
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