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A deeper look into the effects of harassment, bullying, stalking, and the like.

Entries in this blog

Brian Joel Kemp: The Obsession, The Harassment, The Stalking...CONTINUES!

He just won't stop... Brian Joel Kemp is at it again...This time it involves his stalking and harassment of me and my friend @CEDAvsFan.   Previous blogs I've written on the entire matter involving Brian Joel Kemp... from oldest to newest. Now that we're all caught up...     A video detailing what's currently going on. It's on YouTube and TikTok (friends only setting). I'll get more into everything below.     Screenshots of the things shown w


Elektra in Brian J Kemp

Brian Joel Kemp: STILL Harassing Me, STILL Threatening Me, And Now Stalking Me!

This blog is a follow up to my 2 prior blogs on this same matter. So much evidence in the 2 previous blogs.     Video about the matter; on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. I got into detail about Brian's harassment, threats, and now stalking.     Screenshots from the video above.       I also have screenshots of  my notifications shown in the above video. So many claims and things said... All of which I will address.


Elektra in Brian J Kemp

Brian Joel Kemp: Harassment, Veiled Threats, And Intimidation

Brian Joel Kemp has now taken it upon himself to harass me on the Threads app. But before I get into that, check out my past blog regarding Brian Joel Kemp to get caught up.     Here's a video I made about harassment and threats from Brian Joel Kemp. (same video is on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok)       Screenshots that were in the video.       There's 2 particular comments by Brian Joel Kemp that I want to go into detail about.


Elektra in Brian J Kemp

Brian Joel Kemp: Encounter Of The F**ked Up Kind

Some hours ago I checked the Instagram account for Bullyville to see if there was anything new posted by Dr James McGibney about Carissa Shaw...   The video below gives the gist of it. Same video on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram. Something is DEFINITELY...VERY OFF about Brian Joel Kemp.     Screenshots of the comment thread shown, and spoken of, in the above video. The way Brian Joel Kemp behaved throughout this whole thing is very alarming. To some people, th
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