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Cosmic Dimensions
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Exposing the unpleasant and abusive behavior by NextDoor mods and staff.

Entries in this blog

Guilt Tripping And Shaming by NextDoor Supervisor Moe

Today I received an email response from a NextDoor supervisor by the name of Moe because my issue has been "escalated". The response and my thoughts are in the video below, which is on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram.       The screen shown in the above video, which is NextDoor supervisor Moe's email to me. My Comments: I find the claim of "When actioning neighbors accounts we do so fairly, without bias and in accordance with current community guidelines" to be laugha

NextDoor: "Speak up, GET SILENCED!"

This is a follow up to the blog below.     Brief video below shows the victim blaming and victim shaming by Next Door staff member "Mae Ann".     Nextdoor first denies my appeal saying I'm still suspended until 4/23/2024. Then NextDoor staff member "Mae Ann" adds a day. All because I've spoken up about abuse by NextDoor staff and mods.     NextDoor should consider a new slogan. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/JZmlV
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