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Cosmic Dimensions
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Just a bunch of stories about my favorite interests, and things that need to be said.

Entries in this blog

A Deep Look at "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and "GenXPuma2.0": A Pair of Toxic and Tone-Deaf Clout Chasers

It amazes me how some people have nothing better to do than to harass, bully, and bother others with their tone-deaf and delusional nonsense. "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and her inability to read the room are just absolutely grating. Even worse, it looks like there's a group of people who kiss up to Squirrel and are too blind to see how much of a toxic Karen she is. That same group of wannabe Karens felt that they had some sort of right (they didn't) to bombard Miley's TIktok post with unnecessary co

Exposing "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and Her Wave of Hyprocrisy

As Major League Baseball's 2024 season begins, a new plague hits Tiktok, though it's one I kinda had a feeling about. So in the drama involving "billynomates.1988" and "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad", there was an apparent ally in the form of "spiritualsquirrelvox". Emphasis onĀ apparent. Something about Squirrel wasn't kosher. Something didn't quite pass the smell test. Was she really on the right side, or was she out for herself? Some certain posts and DMs led me to believe that latter was the more
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