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Cosmic Dimensions
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Just a bunch of stories about my favorite interests, and things that need to be said.

Entries in this blog

Patricia Silva's Insanity Continues

Another day, another batch of transphobic crap from Patricia Silva. The cockroach never dies. So Patricia Silva is still living in this fantasy world where a 12-y.o. naked child was in the women's locker room with a trans woman. And she's living in this fantasy world where she's right about everything. Seriously, Patricia's head should have a sign that says "This space for rent." She is disgustingly hideous--inside and out. She is dumb, bigoted, psychotic, unhinged, and a plague to society.

Patricia Silva's Web of Bigotry and Unlawful Deceit

So Patricia Silva's quest to rid herself of what little sanity she has remaining, is continuing, much to the expense of all of us. Patricia is tripling and quadrupling down on her transphobic LIE that she saw a 12-y.o. naked girl in a locker room with a trans woman. Even worse, Miss Transphobic b***h appears to have a supporter on Tiktok: https://archive.is/8RIX2 So Patricia's posted this link to a Tiktok from some dunce named AJ, who is on Team Silva. Yikes. It's a short Ti

Harassed and Slandered by a Deranged Bigot on Facebook Because I Don't Support a Transphobe

This is a special weekend for me:  it's my birthday weekend. My birthday is actually on Monday, March 18, and that's the main thing on my mind. However, my happy train of thought was interrupted by a psychotic bigot. Here's the story. Of course, you know about this witch known as Patricia Silva, who invasively took a picture of a trans woman at Planet Fitness and went into full Karen mode. She went to Facebook to play the victim and misgender the woman, and of course, the transphobes came out of
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