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Cosmic Dimensions
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Just a bunch of stories about my favorite interests, and things that need to be said.

Entries in this blog

Nice to see actual competent and caring cops in a Lifetime movie

The main trope we usually see in Lifetime films is the incompetent cops. A vast majority of LT/LMN movies feature cops who either don't do their job, do a p**s poor job, or get so easily taken in by the baddie(s). And then, Lifetime gave us Girl in the Video. In this film, Krissy, after being told by her widowed mother, Mo, that she can't go to a party with her friends, sneaks out of the house to meet up with Toby, who she had been chatting with. However, Krissy ends up being abducted by "Toby,"


CEDAvsFan in Movies

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