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Just a bunch of stories about my favorite interests, and things that need to be said.

Entries in this blog

A Web of Lies, Misogyny, and Tone-Deafness from TikTok Bullies

I absolutely can't stand "billynomates.1988" and Derrick Bower, aka "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad." I really can't. Those two have been tuning up my mental health like a fiddle with the way they've been bullying me. It nearly put me in the same place that I was in a decade ago when I was relentlessly bullied, and later told, In so many words, to either deal with it or get off social media in response. The difference between ten years ago and now:  I didn't have a support system back then. I do now. 

I am DONE With Those Slanderous TikTok Bullies

A familiar feeling is close to coming back, and it's one I had attempted to bury for 10 years. A decade ago, I was relentlessly bullied on social media, and NGL, it really played a number on my mental health. The main reason was because I felt totally alone when I was hit with relentless racist bullying, along with some homophobe saying that I was gay solely because I was wearing a WWE t-shirt that showed my fandom of Natalya, a member of WWE's Women's Division. Straight males can be fans o

A Chaotic Day Including Bullies, Racists, and Some Allies

I really looked forward to this day. It was going to be a day consisting of watching some March Madness, the L&O shows on Peacock, and some hockey and SmackDown. Sadly, that ended up hampered by a number of bullies on Tiktok. I did mention before that a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) was bullying @GMileyCollier78 and falsely accusing her of being transphobic when she clearly wasn't. Their attention turned to me later on, as I was told that "when a

A Tiktok Bully is SERIOUSLY Threatening My Mental Health

So this Patricia Silva saga has taken quite a crazy turn. So a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) went on a tangent and falsely accused Miley of being transphobic, and when a few good people stood up for Miley against them, they claimed that they were "teaching" her to "be better." Even more insulting, Derrick had the nerve to say that being an LGBT ally isn't "taken"--you can only be one when they deem you one. That's not how that works. Being an LGBT all
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