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Cosmic Dimensions
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Just a bunch of stories about my favorite interests, and things that need to be said.

Entries in this blog

Velner's Slander Strikes Yet Again Because He Has Nothing Better to Do

Does Velner have nothing better to do than to spread insane slander on his way-too-long Twitch streams? We all know the answer is a big fat "no." So on 9/1/2024, Velner was at it yet again on Twitch, and so was one of his favorite mindless followers:  "snowbals," who chimed in with this comment featured in this screenshot: Archive link:  https://archive.is/fS6mu So yeah, along with "snowbals" making that comment, Velner delivered his latest blatant lie:  he falsely accused H


CEDAvsFan in Social Media

Even More Hideous Conduct from Velner

So of course, Velner blew up his big "same person" lie very recently, and here's my blog about that:     Velner continued his disgusting conduct in his latest stream (8/30/2024), which saw him continue to do nothing when one of his followers, known as "snowbals," claimed that someone coming to Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl's defense was HM from Quetz. So that proves that Velner's not the least bit remorseful as he claimed, and he still believes that lie. Here's my video calling


For the first time in this whole ordeal, I was happy to actually see something from Velner. While I was enjoying some good stuff on Netflix, I saw that Velner responded to my video calling his a** out. Here's the response: Archive link:  https://archive.is/eyOGM You know why I was so happy to see that reply? Because Velner blew up his big lie with that reply! The lie that he's told over and over about Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl and Hannahmontana from Asura (prior to 8/28/202

Velner and His Crew Continue to be Criminal Harassers

Throughout history, there have been some horrible and fiendish cults; groups such as the Peoples Temple, NXIVM, and worst of all, the Minnesota Vikings fanbase. In recent days, a new hideous cult has reared it's ugly head, and it's led by a nutcase named Velner. Velner spends every one of his many, many hours on Twitch as he slanders "Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl"; telling so many lies that his followers drink it up like cheap beer. Lies such as saying that HM from Quetz and "Hannahmontana fr

Velner's History of Obsession, Slander, Defamation, Stalking, and Bullying

I despise bullies with a passion, but this one...oooh boy. So recently, I was at my friend Sara's place looking to watch sports because my cable was on the fritz. After the game ended, I watched a few movies, and then at a point, I saw Sara was trying to play FFXI and create a character on Fenrir. I warned Sara against it, but I wasn't one to push, so I spoke my piece and that's it. I went home, then I woke up to the news that my friend got kicked out of this linkshell she joined called Goa

MyCrownIsHeavy's Web of Delusion, Bullying, and Deception

It's a wonderful August day. The NFL season is a month away. A MONTH! I'm still planning my next few Fantasy Football drafts. The sun is shining, all is well... ...until MyCrownIsHeavy had to spread all over like the fungus he is. This whole thing started with a simple discussion about a Lifetime movie. The exact movie was "The Killer With No Name," which aired very recently on Lifetime Movie Network. One person, Casey, watched it and wasn't a fan of the film, and she stated that Lifet

Blabette and Her Pro-Jonathan Majors Whack Jobs are At It AGAIN

You know, the year's already chaotic enough as it is. Too much is going on in the country, let alone the world. Far too many beloved celebrities have left this world, and we are all still feeling the wounds. Yet a lot of us are finding some positives out there. For me, it's waiting oh so patiently for the start of the NFL season, as well as joining some Fantasy Football leagues and hoping to win one again. Even as things are running wild, I--like many other people--am finding some enjoyment in s

Add "Images of Animal Cruelty" to the List of Things That NextDoor Condones

NextDoor's standards were already lower than Connor McDavid's chances of ever returning to the Stanley Cup Final as an Oiler. And now, they've sunk to even new lows with this:  they are now condoning images of animal cruelty. Yikes. So here's how this started. Recently, while I was surfing the net, I stumbled upon a NextDoor post from a woman named Bridget Fagan. In it, she posted a photo of an injured cat and goes on and on claiming to be sympathetic to the poor animal. The fact that this

NextDoor's History of Corruption and Toxicity

So NextDoor decided to be a thing again. Remember that two-months where NextDoor wasn't a problem? I miss those times. But yeah, NextDoor has become a huge thing again because just recently, they are targeting Miley and they suspended her--simply for telling the truth about their toxic practices. It's been a year of this, a year of NextDoor mods bullying Miley and getting away with it because NextDoor coddles their toxic moderators. They're full of yes people who tow their disgusting line and sh

This Impending TikTok Ban in the US is the Latest Example of Anti-Asian Hate

So the House has passed a bill that would basically ban TikTok here in the US unless the parent company in China sells it. I've had a TikTok account for just under a year now. I use it to share my stories on Vocal, talk about sports, and raise awareness. It's not just me. A lot of people rely on TikTok as a source of income. Now, it could be banned here in this country, unless the Chinese owners sell it to the US. I'm just going to say it:  this ban is the last act of anti-Asian hate that's

Naomi's Fans Ruin Everything

This year's Elimination Chamber started at the oddest of hours for those of us in the States. It was primetime for in Australia, but in the United States, it was 4AM (including the pre-show) in the East Coast, but for those like me in the West Coast, the pre-show started at 1AM, while the main show started at 2AM. The pre-show featured a Women's Tag Team Championship contest between the Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) and the team of Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell. After this, the main s


CEDAvsFan in Social Media

Super Sunday Next Door Drama

Some days ago, a mutual friend of myself and Caseyn77215 was concerned after seeing a post about the dune buggy, seeing that Miley posted it, because moderators are looking for reasons to target her. My friend checked, and the post was still there, which surprised me, because the mods have a habit of deleting Miley's posts. I noticed who liked it, and one of them was Roxana Sanchez, the woman who was racially profiled by Autumn Leigh Martin. I remembered it because Miley and I had done numerous


CEDAvsFan in Social Media

Autumn Martin Needs to Get Over It and Stop Bullying People!

Autumn Leigh Martin is at it again...and again...and again. As you know, Autumn started this whole mess a year ago when she racially profiled and shamed a Latinx woman whose house was vandalized. In the time that's passed, she's double down in defending her behavior, and she's harassed those who don't agree with her, big time. Part of Autumn's psychotic harassment actually included racist responses to my Tiktoks, and even Autumn releasing her own Tiktok where she falsely accused me of sexua


CEDAvsFan in Social Media

Trinity "Naomi" Fatu's Web of Bullying and Manipulation

So on January 30, 2024, I tore up my Naomi fan card, which I actually had for about 15 years. It all started with this: https://twitter.com/CosmcDimensions/status/1752165234859729229   Here's the thing. Cosmic Dimensions merely quoted something from a reply post on the forum website. It was not an expression of what Cosmic Dimensions thought, it was only a quote from a reply post. Yet Naomi made it look like Cosmic Dimensions was directly attacking her and slandering her. Th

I am Being Harassed and Slandered by a Psycho Next Door Mod!

You know, I never thought this would happen to me in my life, but here it is. So yesterday, I found out that Autumn Leigh Martin, the psycho Next Door mod, is at it yet again. This time, she attacked me on Tiktok with false accusations of sexual assault and other horrific things, while again calling me a "thug" and urging others to harass me on my forms of social media. I managed to capture everything she had posted about me as evidence and revealed Autumn's horrible conduct on a YouTube video,

Yet ANOTHER Next Door Mod Abusing Their Power

You know, just when I couldn't hate Next Door any more than I already do, they couldn't even let me enjoy a Green Bay Packers playoff game. Dirty b*st**ds! So yesterday, as I was watching the Packers/Cowboys game, I learned that another Next Door mod is behaving like a deranged psychopath. This one is known as Cynthia B, and she posted comments advocating for animal cruelty, and later tried to dance her way out of it. The comment was right there:  "They come on my property, they will leave


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