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Cosmic Dimensions
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I'm just a player in the game of life as are we all.

Entries in this blog

SpiritualSquirrelVox / SpiritualTatas: Demeaning With A Side Of Microaggressions

NOTICE: Right as I was working on this blog, I took noticed of a "Account not found" error regarding the profile of "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". The only profile that came up for her was a backup, "spiritualsquirrel of TikTok". But "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)"  showed up in a search when I was logged out. Simply put, she changed her username. Good thing someone remains blocked even if they change their username.   On Saturday Match 23, 2024,
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