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Cosmic Dimensions
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I'm just a player in the game of life as are we all.

Entries in this blog

Harassed for saying I was born a woman...And falsely portrayed as a transphobe (I'm not)!

This video is of me speaking up about an ordeal on TikTok today.     This is the gist of it.   Since then a bit has happened. I am being FALSELY painted as transphobic by "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok " and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok". While neither has specifically said I am transphobic, they've both heavily implied it with their actions, the very way they twist words, and show only bits and pieces they can easily twist into looking like something else.  

Patricia Silva Vs Planet Fitness Vs Transgender Woman

Recently I came upon an issue in the news regarding Planet Fitness and a woman named Patricia Silva of Fairbanks, Alaska. Before I really get "into it", the video below (same on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) gets to the basics of it.       The screenshots from the video.       Patricia Silva's main complaint is "There was a man in the women's locker room!". She has also mentioned there being a naked 12 year old child, with only a towel in the locker room
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